Griddlecakes - NevadaDimitri/Griddle GitHub Wiki
This is the currency members will use to create listings, upgrade membership, and more. A capital G is used to represent the currency; for example, 100 griddlecakes can be written as 100G.
How do you get them?
There are actually two forms of griddlecakes: purchased and gifted. Your purchased balance increases when you buy G through one of the in-world kiosks. Your gifted balance increases when other members send G to you as gifts. Both have the same value, however, your gifted G is always used first. Also, gifted G cannot be re-gifted.
At least for now, kiosks are the only way to purchase G. We plan to reward members with free G through perks, promotions, and contests. In the future, we may add other ways of obtaining it.
Why is this necessary?
You may be wondering why we aren't simply using L$ to conduct business. While that method is certainly doable, it can get messy behind the scenes. By utilising our own system, we can more easily keep balances updated and quickly address any issues that may arise.