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What is it?
Griddle is (or rather, will be) a website for Second Life Residents to help them find events and other places of interest. SL's built-in event system is sorely lacking, and Griddle aims to improve upon this.
The first ideas for Griddle came to me around December 2014. Originally, I had planned to name it Grid'l, but soon changed it to what you see now. The name made sense to me as the world of SL is contained within a large grid. In its early stages, Griddle's only purpose was to offer recommendations on events to attend based on your personal interests. Since then, it has expanded to include places (with or without events, such as stores, parks, and exhibits).
How it works
Basic features including browsing, searching, and creating a personal profile are completely free. The site will use a special currency called "griddlecakes" for creating event and place listings, as well as upgrading membership should you need a bigger Pantry. Griddlecakes are purchased in-world for a modest amount of Linden Dollars (L$).
Key features
The website will be comprised of several main pages:
- Home - contains general info, alerts, and a few "spotlight" events/places
- Events - shows current/upcoming events and allows searching/filtering
- Places - shows popular and top-rated places and allows searching/filtering
- Pantry - members may save events/places here to be checked out later
- Profile - say a few things about yourself, and tell us what interests you to get more accurate personalised recommendations
- Search - all-purpose engine to find any unexpired event, place, or public member profile
- Ratings - members can apply to become Critics, who travel to rate various venues and write reviews based on their experiences
Everyone loves perks! When the grand opening commences, we plan to give 200 griddlecakes (written 200G) to the first 200 registered members, just for signing up. To put this into perspective, the planned cost of creating a place listing is 50G, and the expected L$-to-G ratio is 1:1 (unless purchasing G in bulk, which will be cheaper). In addition, we will reward members with free G on their rezdays as well as their RL birthdays, if provided.
More to come soon!