Style and Communication Guide - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki

mion Writing And Communication Style Guide

This style guide is to provide some general guidelines for written communications. It is being kept simple to allow individual voices to be heard and in doing so form the collective voice of mion.

Note for engineers: For bitbake recipes, see the OpenEmbedded styleguide

When working in Markdown, check syntax and style issues by using markdownlint.

Spelling, Grammar, and Word Choice

  • In general US spelling of words, especially of technical terms, should be used.

  • For date and time, use the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. See ISO 8601 for more information.

Try to avoid often used corporate buzzwords and phrases outside their original meaning:

* Disruptive 
* Synergy
* Closing the loop
* Wheelhouse
* +1
* Leverage
* Vertical
* Paradigm shift
* Pivot

These words tend to lose their meaning over time, and can be viewed negatively by some. You may use them, but do so with consideration.

This can also apply to tech jargon. While both buzzwords and jargon can aid in communication, be mindful of your audience.

For all documents, be concise. Consider the following suggestion: Delete all you can while retaining the statement's meaning and also avoiding ambiguity and vagueness.


When providing a list of points, use the one most appropriate for the purpose:

  • For information where order is irrelevant and you will not need to refer to individual points, use bulleted lists, such as this one

  • In cases where there is a sequential order that needs to be followed, such as for instruction steps, use numbered lists

  • If order does not matter, but you will need to reference the points or otherwise draw attention to each one separately, use letters.

Inclusivity and Supporting Diversity

Some language can have negative, hurtful, or otherwise biased/discriminatory meanings or uses that should be avoided.

This section is not comprehensive, and is used to illustrate language which can be offensive, reinforce bias, or otherwise create exclusion, and may be used in a technical setting. In the future, there may be a "linter" for the style guide: detection of biased-language will be flagged by the linter, but it is still the responsibility of the writer to review documents.


In generic circumstances, gender-neutral terms should be chosen. Rather than "he" or "she", try to use alternatives such as using the second person "you", or "they" for a generic single person. When referencing or quoting a specific person use the pronouns they use.

Rather than... Consider...
When a programmer is stuck, he should talk to a duck. When you get stuck, talk to a duck.
He/she can be a great listener. They can be a great listener.
Ms. Ducky has given me many hours of their time Ms. Ducky has given me many hours of her time

Race and Ethnicity

Some language to watch out for and alternatives:

Don't use... Consider...
Master/slave main/second, Primary/replica, Boss/Minion
hang stops, freezes, doesn't respond
Blacklist/whitelist blocklist/allowlist

Keep in mind that it's permissible to use the outdated technical terms if they exist within code being referenced, or a primary source of information that has not yet been updated. Plaease make a note stating such if this is the case, however.


  • Use the following web development tools to check for design elements which effect readability or hinder a screen reader:

  • For images provide alternative text or use descriptive names for the files.


Font: When font choice is an option, please choose an open source font. Monospace fonts, such as FiraCode would be a good choice.

Format: For technical documentation, use github flavored markdown.

Capitalization: 'mion' should always be lowercase. 'ONIE' should always be uppercase.

Markdown Column Length: The most important point is that markdown is rendered properly. If using a specific column length, make sure to check that there is no white-space between lines. Be aware that two white-spaces create a line break in Markdown. When using markdownlint to check for syntax and style issues, it flags lines that go past column 80, with the exception being lines that can't be broken up, such as links. As such, column 80 is acceptable given that you check that there isn't any unintended newlines.

Companies and Projects: When referring to a company, project, or product, check that capitalization and name are correct. If there has been a change in a name, update and reflect that. For example, when talking about what had been "the STORDIS BF2556X-1T", it should now be referred to as "the APS Networks (formerly STORDIS) BF2556X-1T". When porting a new switch over, it is a good idea to check that the surrounding information is up to date when writing documentation.

Links: When providing links, use the word that you want to bring attention to. In other words, no click here.