Stratum - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki

The Stratum project provides an open-source SDN stack

Stratum code is available on the Stratum GitHub

Recipes for stratum in mion are available in the meta-mion layer. Note that the stratum recipe simply downloads the .deb archive provided by the Stratum project and extracts the contents (binaries, libraries and scripts) to the correct location on the mion filesystem.

Build and Install Stratum

  1. Stratum currently depends on the Barefoot SDE -- Installing Barefoot SDE
  2. Add the following to the bottom of build/conf/local.conf IMAGE_INSTALL += " stratum"
  3. Build and install an image as normal

Starting Stratum

See Stratum documentation

Stratum provides a startup script which can be found in /usr/bin/ and can be viewed on GitHub to view