Release process - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki
The mion project follows a quarterly release cycle, with releases targeting December, March, June and September
The development process consists of planning, 10(ish) weeks of development work followed by a feature freeze after which only code that is fixing a specific issue or documentation will be merged
Releases are named <yocto_branch>-<year>.<month>, for example dunfell-2020.12
Mion aims to keep a stable master branch (currently dunfell) between releases - no branching strategy is used for features or releases
Strictly no releases on a Friday - EVER - no exceptions
Released and tagged repos:
Release checklist - gating criteria
All submodules have been updated recently
DISTRO_VERSION have been bumped in meta-mion (see note on release names below)
Latest CI run successful on release commits - and smoke-tested on hardware
Release test plan has been completed, results logged and discussed as necessary
All issues tagged for this release milestone have been closed or removed from the mion project board
All new bugs have been triaged (important unresolved bugs must be tracked in the Errata of the release): mion project board and issues not in the project board (NOTE: make sure to update query to include any new repos)
Documentation has been updated and copyright/licenses checked
Release notes have been created and reviewed (see format below)
Creating the release
Create and push an annotated tag containing the release notes to the repos listed above
Create a "Release" on the top level mion repo, using the new tag and paste in the same release notes
It might be necessary to slightly change the formatting of the release notes here as they will be rendered as Markdown, e.g. bullet lists
Release notes added to the wiki under the Releases section - this should include a list of the changes per repo since the last release which can be generated using the script in the mion-ci repo
Release announcement by email to interested parties and notification in Slack
Review test plan after release
Go through all of the main repos and delete the merged branches, ask all devs to clean up stale branches.
Format for annotated tags and GitHub release text
Main features and improvements
Notable bug fixes
Errata of known issues
(if required) Breaking changes and update instructions
Fixes, issues and anywhere else where possible, should point to an issue in the GitHub project board, e.g. (meta-mion#123)