Git Workflow - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki
Git Commandments
Git Workflow
For those new to git there are a number of good guides provided by GitHub available here
We follow the standard GitHub Workflow
- This applies to all of the main repos: mion, meta-mion, meta-mion-stordis, etc.
- Changes must be made on a private branch named <username/brief_description_of_change>
- Please create a branch rather than a fork. A fork would be for a sibling project, that does not merge back into the default branch of the main project.
- A pull request is created and the maintainers of the repo are added as reviewers
- After the change is merged, the branch is deleted (this should be done during the merge)
GitHub Permissions
GitHub Teams are used to manage permissions to repos:
- mion Dev - grants write permission to the main mion development repos
Git Commit Messages
General guidelines for writing good Git commits, the TL;DR is:
- Subject line summarises the commit and is written in the imperative "Fix compile issue on X architecture"
- Subject line limited to 50 chars, capitalised with no full stop
- Body wrapped to 72 chars and explains what and why (not how)
- Body references bugs/issues in GitHub
In order to maintain the standards setup by the OpenEmbedded and Yocto Projects, we ask developers to utilize the same git commit standards used by these projects.
These standards, are outlined here.
Please read and adhere to these standards.
Git Branching strategy
seriously, lets not make it any more complicated than it needs to be..
Our branches track the Yocto Project branches. Master tracks master in openembedded-core, Dunfell, dunfell, etc. Main development is being done on Dunfell for now, if additional resources are there we can start tracking master.