Engineering sync minutes - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki
NGL mion Engineering Sync Minutes
Discussion of P4, progress is being made.
Update on mion QEMU, switched from arm to x86-64 Update on se-linux
Discussion of Dent and ONL switch dev already in kernel
No Engineering Sync due to project lead absence
Documentation Maintainer: Doc website support for versioning; issue around tags or branches for tracking versioning.
mion Maintainer: Issues around package feeds and world builds
Review of priority tags on project board
Documentation Versioning
Documentation site needs to support and host different release versions. As this is not readily supported in Jekyll, the decision had previously been made to switch to using MKdocs. However there are two ways to track release versions: git tags or branches. With tags, the ability to correct past documentation errors isn't possible. However as tags provide a "snapshot in time", and is how the other repos are handled, it was decided that we should use tags, however the documentation maintainer mentioned that this may potentially complicate the implementation.
An overview of how MKdocs and Jekyll differ in how the content is generated was given; Jekyll is built on github whenever the branch being tracked for github pages is changed, MKdocs is built locally and the generated site is pushed to the tracked github page. This requires a change in how we approach the doc website, which may require modification to the branching strategy.
It was also later mentioned that documentation should have a QA process. This would help prevent any need to go back and edit documentation for past releases.
Package Feed and World Builds
A request was made to explain the topic of world builds and how it relates to a package feed. A summary follows:
Bitbake can build Universe and World, where Universe is similar to the
mathematical use of the term, representing all packages for all
architectures/machines...this is mostly used for CV checks. World is a subset,
which can be arch specific or non arch specific, and is everything that can be
built. This is commonly run with bitbake -k
to build packages even if not all
dependencies are met. World Builds are primarily useful for generating a package
feed. A package feed would allow for the familiar Linux style package
It was mentioned that there needs to be a workaround regarding a world build and proprietary SDE's.
Once the package feed is available, it will need to be documented on how to update.
Most packages are from layers we do not control. For those who have the package feed as their remote, security patches would be included, which would generally be build on Fridays.
Regarding packages, an rsync of packages that require distribution of source due to their license will need to be set up, with a need to filter out that should not be published publicly.
Packages are to be be in the IPK format. It's also encouraged that those adopting mion customize it and generate their own package feeds with the package manager and format that best suits their need.
Review of Priority Levels
Only one issue on the project board had a change to documentation, where copyright info footers for documentation was changed from "low" to "medium".
It was mentioned that a solution to replace busybox and the limits it has needs to be implemented, but also one that excludes unnecessary tools.
Need to define update strategy for all installation tasks.(related to documentation)