Docs meeting minutes - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki
mion-docs Meeting Minutes
Meeting 1, 2020-11-05
Documentation process
- Follow the same process as for merging code into the other github mion repos
- as it is described in here:
- Commit messages
- New features should be documented by the person writing the code.
- Docs should be tested on locally with Jekyll - depending on the change
- Kat to document this as part of the process
- Should be replaced by an integration docs site (Kat to explore)
- Linter for markdown on pull requests -
- 100 column width maybe?
- Community contributions - Frédéric to do a test submission for review
- Elect maintainers - Kat and Mike
- Enforce restriction on merging own code - for all repos (Mike/John to do this)
- Pull request template for the code (Mike to show John how to do this)
- Prerequisite knowledge document in the mion docs (Mike - John to send on the starting doc)
- Book a recurring meeting for documentation - every second week?
- Figure out the difference between the source and binary distribution - some
- users will need a fast getting start guide based on binary installer (Kat?)
Meeting 2, 2020-11-19
Code of Conduct was brought up, will be moving from
, after being reviewed by project team leader Ben. -
Katrina brought up the use of the
folder as a semi-informal staging area. -
John documented using lab equipment in aps-docs and is working on adding a for meta-mion-bsp, which will be sent to the docs team for review early next week. This is a high priority task, as it's importance is second only to the getting started guide. When finished it must be added to the main docs page.
Katrina is working on finishing the contributing document for the
repo, which needs to get done very soon due to the increase in interest of the project. -
Ben raised the importance of the front page/intro content. Katrina to comment on existing issue or raise a new one, adding what needs to be stated, so that people can actually know what the project is about, an important point which many open source projects forget to prioritize.
John made an important point that Prior to 0.9.1, All documents must be reviewed as part of the release process. Once a release is made, documentation can't be modified. Related to this is the need to archive docs for a release. The docs repo is to use release version tags as well, such as done by the Yocto Project.
As part of the release process, docs team must flag the engineering team, to make sure that all documentation is up to date. Release process will be added to
. The current release process can be found in themeta-ci
repo. -
Mike is to help figure out a script or program using the github api that will provide the docs team a list of merges to dunfell/main branches of the other mion repos on a weekly basis so that docs team can work in tandem with the engineers, documenting as changes are made. In the mean time Katrina will manually check for this.
Mike pointed out that the use of
and how it relates to branches should be figured out, to keep things clean and orderly. -
The Docs team is to attend the weekly bug scrub meeting, which will also be open to the public community.