Development images - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki

Development Images for mion


Default mion images (any image based on contain little in the way of development tooling such as compilers, debuggers and version control tools. As they are not needed by the majority of users, they are left out to keep images small and more secure. However, if you want to develop on the target, this functionality can be included using the packagegroup This can be added to any image for numerous useful development tools.

Enabling The Dev Image

packagegroup-dev-mion can be added to the IMAGE_INSTALL for a specific image, such as those in meta-mion/recipes-core/images/mion-image-* or directly to local.conf which will result in the dev packages being installed in all images:

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " packagegroup-dev-mion"

You can also specify a image type in local.conf by using IMAGE_INSTALL_append_pn-<image type> =. For example: IMAGE_INSTALL_append_pn-mion-image-onlpv1 = " packagegroup-dev-mion"


  • Adding packagroup-dev-mion to a mion image adds many packages to the resulting build so it may significantly increase both the compilation time and resulting image size.

  • As the image is a lot bigger the ONIE install can take a long time to complete as it extracts the image to disk - this can appear to be hung as the operation may take a long time to complete, depending on the hardware.

  • This packagegroup enables debug-tweaks by default which sets a blank root password so this images should not be used in production.

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