Bug triage minutes - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki
Network Grade Linux Bug Triage Minutes 2020/21
See Template Below. Minutes are organized with most recent meeting on top. (copy & paste, do not edit)
Project Manager
In Progress
Niamh, Gawen, John, Kat, Beth
John T
The following issues were discussed
- m-m-sde#10/12 - BF to note, will try to look at these during release cycle
- m-m-sde#29 - BF: we will try to get to this after code freeze
- m-m-st#3 - BF: we will look at this shortly
- m-m-bsp#59 - GD to confirm if this can be closed - assigned
- m-m-bsp#58 - BF: we will investigate this one - JT to see if this happens on the BF2556
- m-m#113 - BF: new bug to track that the uboot onie thing needs to be fixed
- KP - lots of docs sutuff, question on weather it should be one issue or many? talk to
- m-m-bsp#47 - Closed out as the
- m-m#73 - Got hardware now - moving back to in progress
- m-docs#168 - Assigned to BF
Project Manager
NM - temperature check on the code freeze next week: no issues from anyone
Niamh, Gawen, John, Kat, Beth
John T
Plan is to go over all the open bugs to see if we can do anything to move them along -
- meta-mion-sde#12 - BF this is fine as it is, ill get to it
- meta-mion-sde#20 - BF/GD discussing if this is fixable, GD suggests moving to backlog
- meta-mion-bsp#1 - BF suggests marking as Low and moving to backlog
- meta-mion-bsp#27 - GD doesnt have time to look at this - remove from this release and move to backlog
- meta-mion-sde#17 - BF leave this here
- meta-mion-sde#15 - BF leave this here
- meta-mion-sde#1 - BF move to backlog
- meta-mion-bsp#47 - BF thinks she knows what this is and will look at it
- meta-mion-bsp#45 - BF/GD move to medium, JT will take a look and book some time to for us to look at this next week
- meta-mion-sde#13 - BF knows what the issue is and will fix it
Niamh Mc, John T, Gawen D, Katrina P
John T
Project Manager
Niamh Mc
- NMN - any new bugs:
- JT new feature request to add a 'mion' user account added to the backlog - next release
- GD has no opens
- All blocked items have dependencies in progress
In Progress
- KP not sure when the Run Time Tests should be run - check with Eilís Ní F
- KP not sure how logging will work - check with Eilís Ní F
- KP discusses new documentation requirements
- KP discusses mion-testing#3 issue - testing tools and utilities
- KP to book a meeting with JT to start setting up GitHub Actions automation
Niamh Mc, John T, Beth F, Gawen D, Kat P, Sinead R
John T (retrospectively)
Project Manager
Discussed plan to get the release out by the final deadline of next Monday (29th)
- John/Beth/Gawen to look into potential regression issue with Barefoot SDE
- John to contact Max from ONF to see if he can provide insight into the current Stratum issues
- If Stratum code is not fixed by EoD on thursday, Beth has agreed to release without it
- Minimal testing to be completed on friday - on available hardware - and test to be added to the test plan
- Documentation to be completed (best effort) Thursday/Friday
- Kat is going to move the notes from the backlog into a single checklist
Katrina Prosise, Gawen Davey, Niamh McNally, John Toomey, Eilís Flanagan, Steve Noble.
- Barefoot SDE 9.4.0
- Barefoot SDE not starting in 9.3.0 Blocked:
- Test plan and documentation QA process need review
- Busybox and extra utils: Friday morning John and Eilís to review In Progress:
- Copyright footers: Minor formatting issues. In for review soon.
- Stratum build: Binary install. Meeting with Max from ONF to discuss.
- SDE 9.4.0: Eilís reviewing Gawen's branch. Expect Thursday afternoon. platform scripts and MION_BUILD_ID. Expect EOD.
- onlpdump not starting. Kat and Eilís CONTRIBUTING.md: Kat will work on it.
Release Candidate:
- Feature freeze is on the 16th.
- QA starts the 18th.
- Release on the 24th or 25th.
Release process: https://github.com/NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs/wiki/Release-process Test Plan/QA doc: https://github.com/NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs/wiki/Test-plan
Niamh, John, Gawen, Katrina, Steve
Project Manager
No new bugs needing triage
Testing plan, secure boot, and stratum status was discussed, in regards to practicality of including in next release and progress made.
Information/resources for qemu and onie was also discussed.
In Progress
John Toomey(NGL maintainer), Katrina Prosise(NGL docs maintainer), Niamh McNally(Project Manager) Eilís Ní Fhlannagáin(NGL Maintainer and Project Lead) Sinead Readman, Steve Noble
Katrina Prosise
Project Manager
Niamh McNally
Issues added to backlog:
Define update strategy for all installation types; keeping things up-to-date, documentation, needed for security issues...install new image as we do now, or have a separate process. There is a need to have a discussion.
- Should be defined in docs --"how we do it now".
- Converted to issue mion #90
Documentation needs a QA process converted to issue mion-docs #171
Create a non Mender usb install image. Converted to issue on backlog, not for this release. Yocto Project has tools for this it seems
BSP review --identify and suggest fixes for duplicate code including defconfg Likely won't happen for this release. mion #92
Figure out why the mender and onie boot sequences (systemd) varies; project lead answered: "mender sets env variables, likely different than onie, with more verbose and colorful output". Being left as a note, as mender will likely be removed in the future.
How to update machine specific out of tree kernel modules, possibly with DKMS or binary packages and how it affects secure boot; Part of it is a documentation task, and figuring out the approach. Bug reporter to be asked to fill out body of issue.Converted to mion issue #93
Add troubleshooting guide.... Project lead: diff between Yocto and mion, largely pointing to YP docs, and then focusing on mion specific issues, should be limited. Left as a note for now, needs further discussion, likely for next release.
In Progress
Sanity check/update on issues. Project manager mentioned focus on bug triage, Currently not many bugs, could discuss other issues if needed and time allows.
Review project lead assigned issues.
- Add additional layers for a sensible world build(mion 54) --needs description
- mion package feed and world builds, related to above, we need another build machine as this can take up a lot of space and resources
- Barefoot SDE, NDA is signed, recipe is being written, progress is being made, however there's a lot that needs to be figured out.
Review john Toomey(NGL Maintainer) assigned issues
Add support for secure boot.(meta-mion 36) bios needing to be updated on test hardware, seems to be working on the machine, should be figured out soon.
onie grub install script should use all avaiable disk space (meta-mion #58) quick fix, however needs to be tested, should likely be done soon. Community has logged bugs for this, so will remain high priority
Katrina Prosise
- qemu --in progress
- testing guide --in progress, organinzing issues that need to be done
John Toomey, Katrina Prosise, Niamh McNally
Katrina Prosise
Project Manager
Niamh McNally
See QA/CI notes below.
Two blocked issues related to documentation, waiting for review
In Progress
- Docs versioning, needs to be figured out and solution found
- Bitbake server env variable--documentation, in progress--needs to be upstreamed to Yocto Project main, but won’t be able to be done for a bit, in part due to needing more resources.
- Planning for March release, priorities and action points related to the retro need to be addressed, automated QA/CI is a top priority that needs to be figured out. We need a set of test images, the infrastructure to support this needs to be put in place, dependent largely on getting a QEMU image. Github actions may or may not be the right thing to do: We may want a more secure CI build environment. We may want to focus on CI testing and CI deployment. We do need a defined test plan, though p-test and oe-self tests on qemu will at least help a bit with this. Having a QA test engineer would be very helpful.
Eilís Ní Fhlannagáin, Niamh McNally, John, Toomey, Katrina Prosise
John Toomey
Project Manager
Niamh McNally
As there are no new bugs so we will be treating this meeting as a pre-release meeting for the 0.9.1 release next week. Release is still targeting next tuesday (15th of Dec) - this needs to be finalised today
- Beth proposed that we move this to next Thursday 17th - but we are going to go for the 16th.
meta-mion-bsp #6
WIP, awaiting feedback
In Progress
meta-mion #6
- GD working on this but had to move to other work so this will need to be moved to the backlog and we will target it for the next release.mion-docs #100
- waiting for feedback but should be done in the next few daysmeta-mion #54
- bug is WIP and should be done by the end of the weekmeta-mion-bsp #18
- WIP but something crashes on the console. Will continue working it and it if can't be fixed by friday we will merge the code and eradicate the bug.mion #75
- blocked by belowmeta-mion-bsp #9
- WIP with beth, should be done by end of weekmion #52
- done but needs to be mergedmion #22
- WIP, need to get an update on this tomorrow.
mion-ci #14
- JT to run changes past Rory from a marketing point of viewmion-ci #13
- JT will do this friday or monday at the latestmion-docs #136
- KP will have an update on this tomorrow.meta-mion #31
- Beth will try to get this done over the weekend but might end up pushing this back to the backlog..
Eilís Ní Fhlannagáin, Niamh McNally, Gawen Davey, Katrina Prosise, John Toomey, ben van't ende
Eilís Ní Fhlannagáin
Project Manager
Niamh McNally
No new bugs, mainly working on 0.9.1 release planning
2020-12/0.9.1 Release date: 2020-12-15 is drop dead date. Eilís would rather the 14th for LF pre-launch. If we need to push the pre-launch to the 15th we can.
- meta-mender causes onie image not to boot: Blocked. Waiting for fix to Dunfell branch. John to email Drew to check.
- Trigger builds on commits to relevent repos: No codes been pushed, needs testing. Eilís is pushing code tonight to test.
- Add support for QEMU platform: Kat is working on this. Kat to meet with John and Eilís. Currently a bit blocked. Tied into porting guide/m-m-skeleton. update on Monday.
- TPM documentation: John. Done.
In Progress
Add yocto BSP for Delta tn48m: John. Requested by DENT. Stretch goal. Enable mion+onlpv1 for 100G Stordis switch: Eilís and John Add Porting.md for mion-bsp: Eilís John and Kat are testing/finishing tomorrow. Doc Change here for Kat! Barefoot SDE: Gawen with help from Eilís. Help with Saab. Python is a frankenstein 3.4.8 and 3.5.3. Not going brilliantly. Risk here of not completing. Write standard for BSP layer: Eilís. Just put in PR. John to review mion: Explain Yocto Metaphors: Katrina. Expanded it out for mion cake. Stretch goal. proposed changes to getting started guide: katrina. almost done. few steps for clarification
Change the docssite homepage to serve as entry site to project: Ben Mike and Kat. doc.mion.io. Not much there. Discuss what needs to be there. Important for 0.9.1 Document how to use gittags for versioning: needs to be added to release docs Add commit checklist to all open-source repos: Git setting for all repos. NGL slack channel rules: Alex and Eilís requested. infection as opposed to dictation. Can be done after release. meta-mion-extras/meta-mion-dent: Eilís has this, but needs tn48m to test. Remove kernel/grub from containers: Eilís has this replace busybox/bash: Eilís has this