2020.12 - NetworkGradeLinux/mion-docs GitHub Wiki
This is the dunfell-2020.10 "Blasket" release of the Network Grade Linux Project, mion.
- Initial Release!
- ONIE images built with Yocto Project
- Direct to disk images both with and without containers.
- Mender root filesystem update support
- Switched to Yocto multiconfig - parallel building of host and containers
- Removed Application and System Profiles in favour of standard images
- BSP supporting APS Networks bf2556x-1t switch
- Defined BSP format for future switches
- ONLPv1 support
- Initial work on ONLPv2 recipe
- Container prebuilt feed
- Container CAPS working for ONLP*
- Removed all oryx code except for orxycmd which is now named “srunc”
- Extensive documentation at docs.mion.io
- mc_build.sh script for multiconfig builds (replaces scripts/build.py)
- Extensive code cleanup and refactoring
- Working KCONFIG for the APS Networks 25G switch
Known Issues:
- ONIE images are incompatible with containers/meta-mender but we do allow it to be built. We should probably bb.warn or bb.error when this happens.
- meta-mender needs to be disabled for ONIE images. If you require an ONIE image, you MUST remove the meta-mender layer or else things break.
- ONLPv2's onlpdump.py seems to be broken with the APS Networks 25G switch.
- Barefoot SDE is not on image. We know how this needs to happen, but we're bumping this to 1.1 as the SDE has a lot of specific requirements.
- We should introduce dynamic layers in bblayers for meta-mion- layers.
- QA automated testing is pretty minimal atm. ONLP has no test suite that we know of so this poses a bit of an issue.
Many thanks goes to the folks at APS Networks and Togán Labs for their work on this exciting release.