Write AMQP plugin - Netuitive/collectdwin GitHub Wiki

Write AMQP plugin

The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware. AMQP plugin publishes metrics to the configured message broker in JSON format.


   <Publish Name="amqpPublisher" Host="localhost" Port="14504" VirtualHost="vhost" User="user" Password="abc" Exchange="exchange" RoutingKeyPrefix="collectd" />


Name Description
Name Name of the AMQP publisher
Host Message broker's host name
Port Message broker's AMQP listening port
VirtualHost The name of the "virtual host" (or vhost) that specifies the namespace for entities (exchanges and queues) referred to by the protocol. Virtual hosts provide a way to segregate applications using the same message broker instance.
User User name for authentication
Password Password for authentication
Exchange Exchanges are AMQP entities where messages are sent. Exchanges take a message and route it into zero or more queues.
RoutingKeyPrefix Message sent to message broker contains a routing key and message body. Routing key contains 6 fields separated by a period. RoutingKeyPrefix, Host, CollectdPlugin, CollectdPluginInstance, CollectdType and CollectdTypeInstance.
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