Windows Attributes plugin - Netuitive/collectdwin GitHub Wiki

Read Windows Attributes plugin

This plugin reads non-numeric attributes of the server. It is specifically intended for use with the Write Netuitive plugin and other write plugins do not process the values it collects.

The plugin gets the following attributes by default:

Name Description
os The operating system version
cpus The number of CPUs
ram bytes Total system RAM

If the server is hosted on an AWS EC2, setting the ReadEC2InstanceMetadata attribute to "true" will read metadata from the host EC2 instance as attributes (such as instanceId, instanceType etc) and also records the relationship between the two elements in Netuitive.

In addition, any environment variable can be read as an attribute by adding it to the configuration section:

    <ReadWindowsAttributes >
        <EnvironmentVariable Name="architecture" Value="PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"/>

Where 'Name' is the attribute name and 'Value' is the environment variable name.