InfluxDB settings - Netgalleria/arska-node GitHub Wiki

How setup InfluxDB reporting to cloud

InfluxDB is an open-source time series database developed by the company InfluxData. With this very brief introduction, you get an idea of how to get started with InfluxData reporting in the InfluxData cloud, which offers free accounts with limited functionality (30 days retention, limited data). You can also use another InfluxDB instance or set up your own InfluxDB service.

  • Go to InfluxData and sign up for an account for you.
  • Login with your new account
  • Add a new Arska on template Dashboards / Create a dashboard / Add a template from URL, Lookup template; Install template. This creates a new bucket (database) named arska and a dashboard Arska Graphs for the graphs.

Adding a template with bucket and dashboard settings

  • Create a new API token that has full access (read & write) to the newly created bucket arska (API tokens / Generate API token). Copy the API token to the clipboard / save it to a file and then to Arska settings.

Creating a new API token with read and write access to arska bucket.

Set InfluxDB parameters to Arska

  • Go to InfluxDb Server section at the end of the Arska services definition page. Fill in all four parameters:
Parameter Description
Server/Cluster URL Server address, e.g., check from the organization settings. Should be the same with beginning of the url in your browser. See the image below where to get it from the settings.
Token Your newly created access token, a very long string.
Org Organization name (typically your email). See the image below where to get it from the settings.
Bucket arska . Your newly created bucket name.

Get account/organization name and serverl url from the Settings page. Get account/organization name and serverl url from the Oragization Settings page.

InfluxDB settings in Arska Services settings

Now you should have the first dashboard with graph panels. Arska updates values once per hour (in the beginning an hour) so it would take a while before you have visible time series.

InfluxDB time series updated by Arska

measurement field time description
period_price price middle of the period day-ahead price of the period
period_avg sellingWh middle of the period net sales during the period in kWh, negative if net purchase
period_avg ch1, ch2, ... middle of the period channel utilization, between 0 and 1, 0 indicates that channel has been down whole period, 1 that up
sensors sensor1, sensor2, ... measurement time, in beginning of period temperature sensor values, if installed
sensors uptime measurement time, at the beginning of the period debug info tells seconds since the last restart of the device

All measurements have a tag device that is a unique identifier of the device. So, you can insert measurements to one bucket from multiple devices and separate devices in the queries based on the device tag.

This preliminary article will be updated with more detailed info.