Channels - Netgalleria/arska-node GitHub Wiki
The channel rules and conditions define whether the channel is up or down. The channels are controlling electric loads - typically indirectly - by switching relays on or off depending on the channel values. Currently, a channel can control load with an internal relay, called GPIO relay or a relay port in the Shelly 3EM energy meter.
For each channel, the system checks periodically - by default once in a minute - whether the channel should be up or down. It checks the rules in order starting from the first rule and continues until it finds a matching rule or there are no more rules for the channel. If a matching rule is found, the target state of the rule defines whether the channel should be up or down. If there are no matching rules the channel will be down.
Each rule has one or more conditions related to the current values of the variables. Variable values are generated based on price information, date and time, solar forecast, and measured energy and sensor (if attached) values. There are numeric and logical variables. The numeric variables are checked against constant values (e.g., price < 15 ). Logical variables are checked if they are true or not true (e.g., not day). By checking the box "Show variable details" at the top of the page you will get current variable values.
Press 💾 Save to save channel and channel rule settings.
- Channel Id - Short (max 19) label of the channel, e.g., "CARCHARGE"
- Channel Color - Color used in dashboard time-series.
Type - Relay type:
- GPIO , internal GPIO relay module
- Shelly Gen 1, Shelly Gen 1 external WiFi relays
- Shelly Gen 2, Shelly Gen 2 external WiFi relays
- Tasmota, open source Tasmota external WiFi relays
- GPIO, inversed, internal GPIO relay module with inversed output. Can be used in failsafe setups.
- Undefined type is not shown on the dashboard or processed.
- Read more about connecting GPIO relays and external WiFI-relays
- GPIO - IP address of a network connected relay
- ID - Relay id of a network connected relay
- Minimum uptime - Minimum uptime is the shortest duration to keep the channel up, even if conditions are changed. Giving long minimum uptime can give the channel more uptime (better "priority") than another channel with a shorter minimum uptime, even if they both depend on the same volatile parameter. For example, if 2 channels are up only if there is extra production (net sales), a channel with longer minimum uptime gets more cumulative uptime, because it stays longer up (on average) when local consumption exceeds local production (net purchase)
- Priority - Channel priority effects the order channels are switched up and down. For example, the channel with the lowest priority value is switched up first and down last, if the conditions of more than one channel change at the same time. Does not effect manual schduling.
- Load (W) - Channel load is used to estimate total load of channels, see variable 160.
Rule mode
- Rule mode Template: Select a predefined rule template for the channel and enter template parameters. Press ⚙️ to re-enter template parameters for currently selected template.
- Rule mode Advanced: Enter rules and conditions freely. You can use an earlier selected template as a skeleton.
- Target state: Channel state if all the rule conditions are matching.
- Select a variable from the list. If you want to delete an existing condition, select "delete condition".
- Select comparison operator/function. All numeric variables have operators =, >, >=, <=, <>.
- Some variables ("(7) 8 h block id", "(110) month", "(112) weekday", and "(115) hour") have also select operator to select one or more values (from version 1.1) in one condition row.
- Logical variables have operators "is and "not".
- All variables have additional functions "defined" and "undefined" show if a variable has a defined value (defined) or not (undefined or null in the variable list).
- Enter a constant value for comparison(numeric variable)
A simple condition for example: price < 15 is true if the current energy price is below 15c/kWh.
If none of rule conditions match, channel is set to default state. In version 1.1 or later you can specify default state (up or down). In earlier versions default state was always down.
# | Id | Description | Description (FI) |
0 | price | Current NordPool electricity price, tax/margin excluded, ¢/kWh | Tämänhetkinen NordPool-sähköpörssin tuntihinta, ei sisällä veroja tai marginaaleja, ¢/kWh |
1 | price rank 9h | Price rank in 9 hours, sliding windows, 1 if now lowest price, 9 highest | Hintasijoitus 9 tunnin liukuvassa aikaikkunassa, 1-9, jossa 1 edullisin ja 9 kallein tunti. |
2 | price rank 24h | Price rank in 24 hours, sliding window, 1 if now lowest price, 24 highest | Hintasijoitus 24 tunnin liukuvassa aikaikkunassa, 1-24. |
3 | price rank fix 24h | Price rank in 24 hours, fixed nychthemeron 00:00-23:59, 1 if now lowest price, 24 if highest | Hintasijoitus tämän vuorokauden (00-23:59) aikaikkunassa, 1-24. |
4 | rank in 8 h block | Price rank in fixed 8 hour block | Hintasijoitus kiinteän 8 tunnin jakson aikana, 1-8. |
5 | price avg 9h | Average price in 9 hours sliding window, ¢/kWh | 9 tunnin liukuvan aikaikkunan keskihinta, ¢/kWh. |
6 | price avg 24h | Average price in 24 hours sliding window, ¢/kWh | 24 tunnin liukuvan aikaikkunan keskihinta, ¢/kWh. |
7 | 8 h block id | Current 8 hour block id, 1) 23:00-06:59 , 2) 07:00-14:59, 3) 15:00-22:59 | Nykyisen 8 tunnin jakson numero: 1) 23:00-06:59 , 2) 07:00-14:59, 3) 15:00-22:59 |
9 | p diff to avg 9h | Price difference to 9 hours average, ¢/kWh | Nykyhinnan hintaero 9 tunnin liukuvan aikaikkunan keskiarvoon, ¢/kWh |
10 | p diff to avg 24h | Price difference to 24 hours average, ¢/kWh | Nykyhinnan hintaero 24 tunnin liukuvan aikaikkunan keskiarvoon, ¢/kWh |
13 | p ratio to avg 9h | Price ratio % to sliding 9 hours average | Nykyhinnan suhde 9 tunnin liukuvan aikaikkunan keskiarvoon, % |
14 | p ratio to avg 24h | Price ratio % to sliding 24 hours average | Nykyhinnan suhde 24 tunnin liukuvan aikaikkunan keskiarvoon, % |
15 | p ratio fixed 24h | Price ratio % to fixed nychthemeron 24h | Nykyhinnan suhde tämän vuorokauden (00-23:59) keskiarvoon, % |
20 | pv forecast 24 h | Solar power forecast for local panels, next 24 hours, kWh | Aurinkoenergian tuotantoennuste seuraavaksi 24 tunniksi. Riippuu Ilmatieteen laitoksen paikallisesta aurinkosääennusteesta ja antamastasi paneelitehosta, kWh |
21 | pv value 24 h | Value of future solar power, next 24 h, € | Ennustettu tulevan 24 tunnin aurinkotuotannon arvo, € |
22 | pv price avg 24 h | Average price of future solar power, next 24 h, ¢/kWh | Tulevan 24 tunnin aikana tuotetun aurinkosähkön keskihinta, ¢/kWh |
23 | future pv higher | Future average solar power price is higher than current price, ¢/kWh | Hintaero nykyhinnan ja tulevan 24 h aurinkosähkön hinnan (muuttuja 22) välillä, ¢/kWh |
100 | overproduction | True if there is extra production, measured from grid or inverter production or estimated from solar forecast. See current source from variable 700. | Tosi, jos 'ylituotantoa' eli oma tuotanto ylittää kulutuksen. Saadaan joko mittaustuloksista tai arvioimalla. Katso tiedon lähde muuttujasta 700. |
101 | production (per) W | Average production during this period, measured W | Mitattu keskikulutus tämän periodin (tunnin) aikana, W |
102 | selling W | Average power exported to the grid during this period, measured W. Negative value indicate net consumption. | Mitattu verkkoon myyty energia tämän periodin aikana, W. Negatiivinen arvo osoittaa, että netto-ostoa. |
103 | selling Wh | Energy exported to the grid during this period, measured Wh | Verkkoon viety energia tämän periodin aikana, mitattu, Wh |
104 | selling now W | Energy exported to the grid now, measured W | Verkkoon viety teho tällä hetkellä, mitattu, W |
105 | production Wh | Production in current period, Wh | Tuotanto periodin aikana, Wh |
110 | mm, month | Current month, 1-12 | Kuluva kuukausi, 1-12 |
111 | mmdd | Current month and day, e.g. 501 first of May | Kuluva kuukausi ja päivä, esim 501 on 1 toukokuuta (Vappu, Valborg) |
112 | weekday (1-7) | Weekday, 1-Monday...7-Sunday | Viikonpäivä, 1-Maanantai...7-Sunnuntai |
115 | hh, hour | 10 | Kuluva tunti, 00-23 |
116 | hhmm | Current hour and minute, e.g. 1200 - noon | Kuluva tunti ja minuutti, esim. 1200 keskipäivä |
117 | minutes 0-59 | Current minutes, 0-59 | Kuluva minuutti, 0-59 |
130 | day | True if day tariff (Finnish tariff, 0700-2200) effective. | Tosi, jos Suomen päivätariffi voimassa (0700-2200). |
140 | winterday | True if winter day tariff (Finnish) effective | Tosi, jos Suomen talvipäivän tariffi voimassa. |
150 | ch up period, min | [Channel uptime (minutes) during this period | Kanavan päälläoloaika tämän periodin aikana, minuuttia. |
152 | ch up in 8 h, min | [Channel uptime (minutes) during last 8 h | Kanavan päälläoloaika viimeisimmän 8 tunnin aikana, minuuttia. |
153 | ch up in 24 h, min | Channel uptime (minutes) during last 24 h | Kanavan päälläoloaika viimeisimmän 24 tunnin aikana, minuuttia. |
160 | consumption estim. | Estimated (load*uptime) total consumption of channels during this period, Wh. | Arvioitu kanavien kokonaiskulutus (load*uptime) tämän periodin aikana, Wh. |
201 | sensor 1 | Sensor 1 temperature, C | Anturi 1 lämpötila, C |
202 | sensor 2 | Sensor 2 temperature, C | Anturi 2 lämpötila, C |
203 | sensor 3 | Sensor 3 temperature, C | Anturi 3 lämpötila, C |
401 | virtual solar count | Solar forecast based counter for load profile. Counts from 0 to M during this period, where M = (60*day forecasted solar/period forecasted solar). | Solar forecast based counter for load profile. Counts from 0 to M during this period, where M = (60*day forecasted solar/period forecasted solar). |
402 | solar prod. estim. | Solar forecast based counter for load profile. Counts from 0 to M during this period, where M = (60*day forecasted solar/period forecasted solar). | Ennusteen mukainen tuotettu aurinkoenergian määrä nykyisen periodin aikana tähän mennessä. |
411 | FI wind d+1, MW | Average wind power in Finland tomorrow (d+1), MW | Keskimääräinen ennustettu tuulituotannon teho huomenna (d+1) Suomessa, MW |
412 | FI wind d+2, MW | Average wind power in Finland the day after tomorrow (d+2) MW | Keskimääräinen ennustettu tuulituotannon teho ylihuomenna (d+2) Suomessa, MW |
421 | FI wind d+1 bl, MW | Average wind power in Finland in the same 8 h block tomorrow (d+1) MW | Keskimääräinen ennustettu tuulituotannon teho huomenna (d+1) Suomessa saman 8 tunnin jakson aikana, MW |
422 | FI wind d+2 bl, MW | Average wind power in Finland in the same 8 h block the day after tomorrow (d+2) MW | Keskimääräinen ennustettu tuulituotannon teho ylihuomenna (d+2) Suomessa saman 8 tunnin jakson aikana, MW |
430 | solar rank fix 24h | Solar volume rank of current period within day (24 h) based on solar forecast. | Tunnin aurinkotuotannon voluumisijoitus tämän vuorokauden (00:00-23:59) aikana. 1 jos ennusteen mukaan tuottoisin tunti, 24 jos ei tuotantoa. |
701 | Netting source | Netting info source: 0) no estimate, 1) grid measurement (103) 2) production MEASUREMENT (105) - (estimated channel consumption (160) + baseload) 3) production FORECAST (402) - (estimated channel consumption (160) + baseload) | Netotustiedon lähde, 0) ei tietoa käytössä 1) mittaus verkosta(103) 2) tuotannon mittaus invertteriltä (105) - (arvioitu kanavien kulutus (160) + peruskuorma) 3) tuotantoennuste (402) - (arvioitu kanavien kulutus (160) + peruskuorma) |