Configuration - Netflix/dyno GitHub Wiki

Dyno client's configuration settings can be used to modify its runtime behavior for things such as:

  • Connection Pooling
  • Load Balancing
  • Error Handling (retries etc)

For configuration changes to take effect you must restart the client.

Below is a list of configuration options available in Dyno. These can be set either programmatically via a ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl instance passed to the client when constructing it or via Archaius properties.

Note that the value of {APP} below is the value passed to DynoJedisBuilder.withApplicationName().

Config table

Configuration Option Default Value Archaius Property Name
CompressionStrategy NONE dyno.{APP}.compressionStrategy
CompressionThreshold 5120 dyno.{APP}.config.compressionThreshold
ConnectionPort 8102 dyno.{APP}.connection.port
ConnectTimeout 3000 dyno.{APP}.connection.connectTimeout
ErrorMonitorFactory SimpleErrorMonitorFactory N/A, can only be set programmatically
HostSupplier EurekaHostsSupplier N/A, set when constructing client instance
LoadBalancingStrategy TokenAware dyno.{APP}.lbStrategy
MaxConnsPerHost 3 dyno.{APP}.connection.maxConnsPerHost
MaxFailoverCount 3 dyno.{APP}.connection.maxFailoverCount
MaxTimeoutWhenExhausted 2000 dyno.{APP}.connection.maxTimeoutWhenExhausted
RetryPolicyFactory RunOnce dyno.{APP}.retryPolicy
SocketTimeout 12000 dyno.{APP}.connection.socketTimeout
TokenMapSupplier localhost:22222/cluster_describe N/A, can only be set programmatically


Specifies what type of strategy to use when determining if data should be compressed prior to sending to Dynomite. This is expressed in bytes and by default is off.

ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl()
    .setCompressionThreshold(1000) // specified in bytes

Use this with care since, once compression is turned on you cannot simply switch it off (unless all of your data has TTL'd out or has been removed). To turn compression off change the threshold the a value higher than your max payload size to effectively disable it and once your compressed data TTLs out or has been removed you can then switch it off.


Specifies the threshold in bytes upon which a payload will be compressed. See example above.


Port that dyno client communicates with Dynomite server nodes.

config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl().setPort(8080)


Specifies the number of milliseconds allowable to establish a connection to a Dynomite server node.

config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl().setConnectTimeout(5000)


Tracks connection errors. A simple implementation is used by default, which is threshold based. After 10 connection errors, the host connection pool is recycled. You can plug in a more sophisticated implementation by injecting it into the configuration prior to startup.

ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl().withErrorMonitorFactory(new ErrorMonitorFactory() {
    public ErrorMonitor createErrorMonitor(<your error monitor implementation>);


Supplier that provides a collection of Host objects so that Dyno client can resolve Dynomite server node locations. See EurekaHostSupplier and Netflix / eureka for more information as well as DynoDemo for example code.


Specifies the load balancing strategy for the client. By default the client is Token Aware with rack affinity. Valid values are TokenAware or RoundRobin.

config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl().setLoadBalancingStrategy(LoadBalancingStrategy.RoundRobin)


The number of connections to each Dynomite server node that are maintained. Note that there is no setting for the minimum number of connections, only a max which the client will keep alive and persistent at all times.

config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl().setMaxConnsPerHost(25)


Specifies the number of failover attempts when getting a fallback connection.

config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl().setMaxFailoverCount(2)


Max time to wait for a connection from a host connection pool. This is specified in milliseconds.


Factory for vending a RetryPolicyFactory. Dyno client comes with two implementations:

  • RunOnce - no retries
  • RetryNTimes - retry N times, where N is specified during construction of the instance. Another attribute of the this policy is whether to allow cross-zone (rack) fallback.

To set a retry for two retries (up to 3 total attempts) with cross-zone failover enabled:



Expressed in milliseconds, this specifies the amount of time to wait after which an exception will be thrown.

config = new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl().setSocketTimeout(12000)


Supplies the Dynomite server topology to Dyno client.