KML Log (google earth) - NetanelAlbert/OopEx3-Map-Game GitHub Wiki
The object KML_Logger is handling the writing of the game progress to a kml file. You can open this file in Google earth and see the game Happens in Ariel university area.
see the example kml file. note: this created in my computer so the fruits & robots icons leed to my project adress. it will cose that you'll see red X's instead. create one after you clone, ant it will look like the picture down below.
To use it, create one and then call writeStatus() few times in a second to save the robots and fruits place.
Then whene you finish, call closeKml(), and save(String file_name) to save the log to a file locally, or log() if you want to do somthing else (like send to server) with the KML String.