Getting Started Guide - NetFPGA/OSNT-Public GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the getting started guide! This guide is for new users. It covers:
- System Requirements.
- Downloading the code repository.
- HW Installation.
- SW Installation.
- What to do next!
Let's get started...
Section 1 - OSNT Requirements
To use the OSNT code base, your system needs to meet the NetFPGA-10G requirements. Please, refer to the following link for more information: NetFPGA-10G Getting Started Guide
Section 2 - Registering for the Beta Program
Prior to accessing code we need people to register. We do this to understand who is using NetFPGA/OSNT so please give as complete answers as you can. The better usage we can show the more support we can motivate sponsors to provide.
Feel free to explore the wiki; it is publicly readable.
Continue on from here once your registered
Section 2a - Downloading the Code Base
The Beta code release is available to the Beta community as either a git repository or tarball.
If you wish to use a stable release, the most recent stable release is available as a tarball from the list here. The latest release is the tag at the top.
Edit access to this community wiki is co-located with the live repository. If you have access to the repository, you also have access to this wiki.
Section 2b - Downloading the Live Code Base (Developers and people who wish to use potentially unstable code)
The current developers code base is available as a git repository hosted on GitHub
After you have gained access to the repository, change into the desired directory and execute the following command:
git clone [email protected]:NetFPGA/OSNT.git
For more information about git and github in general, please consult github help.
Section 3 - HW Installation
When you have the code in place, you will need to run a one-time installation script:
- Make sure you have Xilinx ISE installed and $XILINX, $XILINX_EDK environment variables are set correctly. Check that the environment variable $LD_PRELOAD is not set.
- Make sure the 10G MAC is correctly licensed. You may run "xlicmgr status -c ten_gig_eth_mac". Only "Full" or "Hardware Evaluation" will allow you to build the bitfile.
- Go to the OSNT/code directory
- Run "make cores"
The above command will do the following:
- Copy necessary files from your Xilinx ISE installation
- Generate necessary IP cores (such as 10G Ethernet MAC and XAUI) and put them in the hardware library
- Patch some of the copied files so that the copied IP can be synthesized on the NetFPGA-10G board's Virtex-5 FPGA device.
Section 4 - SW Installation
Before using OSNT system, you need to compile both the OSNT driver and OSNT user space software.
OSNT Driver
You will find the OSNT driver in OSNT/code/osnt_sw/osnt_driver directory. Run "make" to compile it.
OSNT User Space Software
To compile the provided user space software you need to run the following commands:
- Make sure you are in OSNT/code/osnt_sw directory
- Download and untar the libpcap-1.0.0: "wget ; tar xvf libpcap-1.0.0.tar.gz"
- Apply the OSNT libpcap nanosecond patch: "patch -p0 <libpcap-nano.patch"
- Compile and install the nanosecond libpcap: "./configure;make;make shared;make install-shared;"
- Please, refer to the README file provided in OSNT/code/osnt_sw directory for a complete description on how to compile and run the user space tools.
Section 5 - What to do Next!
For an explanation of the organization and use of the code base, please see the Code Base Organization and Use section.
For information on OSNT Generator project, please see the OSNT Generator section.
For information on OSNT Monitor project, please see the OSNT Monitor section.
And for all information on the platform, please browse the NetFPGA-10G Official Website.