Features List - NetEase/pomelo GitHub Wiki

Here is the full list of all features pomelo supports, if you're still wondering whether to choose pomelo or something else for your development, you can read patiently and make a good decision :)

Complete support of game server and realtime application server architecture

  • Multiple-player game: mobile, social, web, MMO rpg(middle size)
  • Realtime application: chat, message push, etc.

Fast, scalable

  • Distributed (multi-process) architecture, can be easily scale up
  • Flexible server extension
  • Full performance optimization and test


  • Simple API: request, response, broadcast, etc.
  • Lightweight: high development efficiency based on node.js
  • Convention over configuration: almost zero config


  • Many clients support, including javascript, flash, android, iOS, cocos2d-x, C, unity3d
  • Many libraries and tools, including command line tool, admin tool, performance test tool, AI, path finding etc.
  • Good reference materials: full docs, many examples and an open-source MMO RPG demo


  • Support plugin architecture, easy to add new features through plugins. We also provide many plugins like online status, master high availability.
  • Custom features, users can define their own network protocol, custom components very easy.