Procedure during Beta test - NeosIT/active-directory-integration2 GitHub Wiki
- Please let us know about every single and small bug!
- Before submitting any bug description please use the "Test authentication" tool and copy the output into the bug description.
- ADI 2 writes log output to the logs/ directory. Please copy any informative output to the bug description, too.
- Except for the sAMAccoutName no user meta information from ADI 1.x is converted during the migration. This is not required b/c all information are synchronized during login.
Beta test procedure
- Create an Active Directory test user who can log in into your WordPress production instance
- With the newly created AD user log in into your WordPress production instance
- Set up a new WordPress instance with a separated database (wp_test_database)
- Do not add any other user. The default administrator created during the WordPress installation must be the only user
Clone your production environment
Execute the following
statement to get the existing user base and ADI settings from your production environment without the admin user of the production environment. Replace the square brackets with your environment settings.mysqldump -t -h [host] -u [username] -p [password] [wp_prod_database] wp_options --where="option_name LIKE 'AD_%'" > wp_options.sql mysqldump -t -h [host] -u [username] -p [password] [wp_prod_database] wp_users --where="id > 1" > wp_users.sql mysqldump -t -h [host] -u [username] -p [password] [wp_prod_database] wp_usermeta --where="user_id > 1" > wp_usermeta.sql
Please adjust the table names if you use a different prefix and re-adjust them inside SQL files after the export has been run.
Import the user dump and ADI settings in your test environment:
mysql -h [host] -u [username] -p [password] [wp_test_database] < wp_options.sql mysql -h [host] -u [username] -p [password] [wp_test_database] < wp_users.sql mysql -h [host] -u [username] -p [password] [wp_test_database] < wp_usermeta.sql
Log in into your WordPress test instance with the first user (admin)
Install the new ADI version
Clone the active-directory-integration2 repository or download the latest repository from
Follow the instructions to update all dependencies - after the beta test we will provide a ready-to-go package. To install composer follow the instructions on
# install composer cd active-directory-integration2 # install dependencies of ADI 2 php ~/composer.phar install
Inside the WordPress test installation, the unzipped/cloned directory active-directory-integration2 must be moved to wp-content/plugins/active-directory-integration2
In the WordPress dashboard go to the Plugins section and enable the Active Directory Integration 2 plug-in
By activating the new version all existing ADI 1.x configuration options will be migrated.
- Compare all configuration options of ADI 2 in the test instance with the ADI 1 options of the production instance. Most of the options should have been automatically converted.
- Log in into your WordPress test instance with the previously created AD test user
- Compare the user profile with its values entered in Active Directory
- Change the first or last name of the test user inside the Active Directory and log in a second time. The first and last name in the user profile should have changed.
- Try the utility "Sync to WordPress" to synchronize all Active Direcotry users.