PostgreSql - NeoSOFT-Technologies/rest-dot-net-core GitHub Wiki
You can create the Clean Architecture Project with PostgreSql Database either by CLI or by Visual Studio 2022
First we need to install clean architecture template using CLI and the command for the same is
dotnet new --install Neosoft.Technologies.Templates
The template is successfully installed.
Step 1:- Open the PowerShell in the folder where you need to create the project.
Step 2:- Write this command:-
dotnet new neotech-ca -db PGSQL
Your Project is created Successfully.
Visual Studio 2022
- Step 1:- In Visual Studio 2022, select the template Neosoft Technologies Clean Architecture and then click on Next.
- Step 2:- Give the name of your Project and then click on Next.
- Step 3:- Select the PGSQL Database from the Database Provider Dropdown and then click on Create.
The changes are reflected in the following file.
- HealthcheckExtension.cs
Respective Migration files are also created
Respective Migration files are also created
- DbFixture
HealthCheck Result
Integration Test Result
Load Testing Result
To get the JMeter result click here.