[GWA 000] Project Ideation - Neelam91/Global-Warming-Analysis GitHub Wiki

I became fascinated about the Global climate change, after reading articles & watching documentaries on climate change and its impacts on earth. It really struck me as a data analyst to go through the climate dataset by my own and apply statistics concepts(learnt in my recent semester). After digging up into many articles, I came up with three major questions to be answered in this project. The questions which I hope to answer are:

  1. Is Global Warming really happening?
  2. what are the key reasons of Global Warming?
  3. How the countries in the world are affecting global warming?

[Reference -Article 1](https://www.nrdc.org/stories/global-warming-101#warming https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/coralreef-climate.html) (https://www.wwf.org.au/what-we-do/climate/causes-of-global-warming#gs.exi2yl)