Setting up the Dynamic Map plugin under Linux - Neder/dynmap GitHub Wiki

This page assumes:

  • Your Minecraft-server directory to be: /opt/minecraft_server/.
  • You have the latest CraftBukkit installed.
  • Your Minecraft server is hosted at localhost.

To install and test dynmap:

  • Copy the file dynmap.jar and the folder dynmap to /opt/minecraft_server/plugins/.
  • (Re)start your Minecraft server.
  • Join your Minecraft server.
  • Place a few blocks.
  • Open up your browser.
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8123/.

You should see your map with your name in the top-left. Once you click on your name, the map will pan to your location and your should see a part of the map that has been generated.


If you want the map to be accessible for others, you have two options:

  • Forward an external port to your internal minecraft server with TCP port 8123. For more information on port-forwarding:
  • Host the map partly on your big webserver. Note that the webserver must already have access to the Minecraft server. See below.

Big Webservers

If you are hosting a Apache or lighttpd server, you might want to be able to get to the Dynmap-map from the same url as your website. Like instead of If this is the case, you can pick your webserver from the list below.