Meeting Minutes 3 - NazmulMahadi/cse327 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Minutes 3

Date/Location: 30-07-2021, Google Meet.
Attendees: Nazmul Haque(NH), Sadia Anjum Lamia(SL), Sakik Al Sajid(S1), Md Nazmul Hasan(MH).
Start Time: 10:05 pm.
End Time: 10:40 pm.


  • Decision about the Use Case Diagram that the team will use in the project.
  • Decision about the Database Schema that the team will use in the project.
  • Decision about the User Interface Design that the team will use in the project.


  1. Create Use Case Diagram
  2. Create Extended Use Case Diagram.
  3. Create Database Schema
  4. Create User Interface Design
  5. Use Case Diagram in HTML (HTML file)
  6. Extended Use Case Diagram in HTML (HTML file)
  7. Database Schema in (HTML file)
  8. User Interface Design in (HTML file)
Action Allocated Team Member(s) Deadline
Action-1 MH,S1 4-08-2021
Action-2 MH 4-08-2021
Action-3 NH 4-08-2021
Action-4 SL 4-08-2021
Action-5 NH 4-08-2021
Action-6 MH 4-08-2021
Action-7 NH 4-08-2021
Action-8 SL 4-08-2021
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