Meeting Minutes 2 - NazmulMahadi/cse327 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Minutes 2

Date/Location: 18-07-2021, Google Meet.
Attendees: Nazmul Haque(NH), Sadia Anjum Lamia(SL), Sakik Al Sajid(S1), Md Nazmul Hasan(MH).
Start Time: 9:05 pm.
End Time: 9:30 pm.


  • We need to create Coding standard for our project
  • We need to see a doumentation tool for our project


  1. Create Coding standard
  2. See a proper Documantation tool
  3. Coding standard in HTML (HTML file)
  4. Documantation tool description in (HTML file)
Action Allocated Team Member(s) Deadline
Action-1 NH,MH 24-07-2021
Action-2 NH,MH,SL,S1 24-07-2021
Action-3 NH 24-07-2021
Action-4 NH 24-07-2021
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