Meeting Agenda 2 - NazmulMahadi/cse327 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Agenda 2

Date/Location: 11-july-2021 at 10:00 pm in Google Meet.

Information Updates/Reminders:

  • The next 3-4 days, we are going to research on coding standard and documentation tools.
  • Everyone should stay connected to git, trello, slack for tracking updates.

Decisions Needed:

  • Decision about the coding standard that the team will use in the project.
  • Decision about the documentation tools that the team will use in the project.

General Items:

  • Allocate two team members to check coding standards.
  • Allocate two team members to check documentation tools.They should come up with at-least 1/2 tools (with brief summary of the usage, advantages and disadvantages) for source code-level documentation.
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