Change Log - NateNBJ/FuelSiphoning GitHub Wiki


  • Integrated with LunaLib to add a settings menu
  • Fixed the effect of "fuelPriceMult" setting applying more than once on subsequent reloads


  • Updated compatibility to Starsector version 0.95a
  • Added "fuelPriceMult" setting, thanks to new API improvements (it defaults to 1 - meaning no change from vanilla)


  • Fixed a problem that will cause Version Checker support to break on 1 June 2020
  • Fixed mod description still referring to "red giant stars" as the source of fuel rather than nebulae


  • Fixed "DensityConversionRatio" options not being applied


  • Removed "fuelValue" setting from options file due to incompatibility with versions of Starsector other than 0.9.1a-RC8 for Windows


  • Fixed an error that could cause the fuel tooltip to display the incorrect base price in rare cases


  • Improved fuel siphoning mechanics:
    • Fuel siphoning is now performed at nebulae instead of red giants, meaning it no longer causes CR damage
    • In nebula type systems, fuel can be siphoned at 100% efficiency (e.g. 4 fuel per supply if fuel costs 25 and supplies cost 100)
    • At nebulae in non-nebula systems, fuel can be siphoned at 75% efficeincy
    • Siphoning rate now scales with burn level (conversion ratio is still unafected by burn level)
    • Increased sensor profile penalty for siphoning fuel from 100% to 300% to compensate for the sensor profile reduction from nebulae
  • Improved siphon fuel ability visuals
  • Added a settings file (FUEL_SIPHONING_OPTIONS.ini) for tweaking relevant numbers, including fuel efficiency and the cost of fuel


  • Fixed fuel siphoning rate being affected by fuel per unit of supplies


  • Incremented game compatibility version to 0.9.1a


  • Updated forum link in version file
  • Added changelog


  • Fuel siphoning ability now recognizes Red Giants as a fuel source when Unknown Skies is installed