3 : DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DNA AND RNA - Natasha-Adongo/assignment GitHub Wiki


This is another form of macromolecule that is also essential for all forms of life just like DNA, RNA is made up of nucleotides. Once thought to play ancillary roles. RNA are now understood to be among a cell's key regulatory players where they catalyze biological reactions, control and modulate gene expression, sensing and communicating responses to cellular signals. The ribose sugar of RNA is a cyclical structure consisting of five carbons and one oxygen. The chemical structure of RNA is very similar to that of DNA: each nucleotide consists of a nucleobase and a ribose sugar, and phosphate group. There are two differences that distinguish DNA from RNA;

  • RNA contains the sugar ribose, while DNA contains the slightly different sugar deoxyribose a type of ribose that lacks oxygen atom
  • RNA has the nucleobase uracil while DNA has thymine. It also important to note that unlike DNA that is usually double stranded most RNA are single stranded and can adopt very complex three dimensional structures.


Discussion on other differences between RNA and DNA

  1. Difference based on location DNA is either located in the nucleus or mitochondria while RNA is mostly located in nucleus, ribosome or cytoplasm of the cell. The location of the sequences dictates the function the play in protein synthesis and the development of the organism.

  2. Propagation DNA replicates on its on ie it is self replicating, RNA does not replicate on its own its replication only occurs when it is required for protein synthesis. The RNA is synthesized from the DNA.

  3. Function The function of the DNA is the transmission of genetic information, it acts a medium for storing genetic information long-term. RNA is critical for transmission of genetic information for protein synthesis from the ribosome.

  4. Structural features DNA molecule is double stranded molecule while RNA is a single stranded molecule.

  5. Reactivity A DNA molecule is highly stable in alkaline condition. The stability of the DNA molecule in alkaline conditions is attributed to its lack of the hydroxyl group the 2' of each sugar group this makes it less reactive. RNA on the other hand are unstable in alkaline conditions they have the hydroxyl sugar group thus more reactive.

  6. Ultraviolet damage DNA is susceptible to uv damage while RNA is fairly resistant to uv compared to DNA


  1. tRNA– The transfer RNA or the tRNA carries amino acids to ribosomes while translation
  2. mRNA – The messenger RNA or the mRNA encodes amino acid sequences of a polypeptide
  3. rRNA – The ribosomal RNA or the rRNA produces ribosomes with the ribosomal proteins that are organelles responsible for the translation of the mRNA.
  4. snRNA – The small nuclear RNA forms the complexes along with proteins which are utilized in RNA processing in the eukaryotes.