Setting up the OAI PMH Provider - NatLibFi/RecordManager GitHub Wiki
Setup of the OAI-PMH provider in RecordManager consists of two parts, OAI-PMH provider configuration in RecordManager and Apache configuration. Provider configuration includes basic repository information, format mappings, set configuration etc. See Configuration for information on the basic configuration.
Make sure the database has the required indexes. For MongoDB, see dbscripts/mongo.js. The index required for good performance is not created by default.
Check OAI-PMH and OAI-PMH Format Mappings sections in recordmanager.ini.
Copy oai-pmh-formats.ini.sample to oai-pmh-formats.ini and modify if formats need to be added or removed. oai-pmh-formats.ini describes the formats available via OAI-PMH. The section name equals the format identifier (metadata prefix) in OAI-PMH, and format setting maps it to RecordManager's internal format. E.g. OAI-PMH identifies Dublin Core as oai_dc, while Dublin Core in RecordManager is typically known as dc.
Copy oai-pmh-sets.ini.sample to oai-pmh-sets.ini and modify the set configuration if sets are needed. Currently it is only possible to to do full field matches.
Modify datasources.ini and add any transformations to the data sources. As OAI-PMH requires that records are available in Dublin Core, the minimum should be something like:
transformation_to_dc =
Copy httpd-recman-oai-pmh.conf to Apache's conf.d directory (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf.d) and modify the path if necessary.
Restart Apache for the changes to take effect.
Test the provider by going to http://server/oai-pmh?verb=Identify in a www browser.
If the OAI-PMH Provider fails to work properly, check first PHP's error log or Apache's error log.