Troubleshooting - Nastel/gocypher-cybench-java GitHub Wiki

Eclipse Mars Plugin

CyBench nature set

If src/test/java folder is missing then "Add CyBench Nature" works partialy.

Quick workaround:

  • manualy create folder structure src/test/java,
  • refresh Eclipse project,
  • restart Eclipse
  • right click mouse button on the Eclipse project and select "Add CyBench Nature" again.

Eclipse Maven project with modules

If Maven project contains modules and benchmark uses classes from another module then benchmark execution could fail with class not found error.

Quick workaround:

  • select module project in the project explorer and open properties
  • select "Java Build Path" in side navigation menu
  • open "Libraries" tab
  • to the project classpath add either used module jar file or used module target/classes folder (see picture below).

Maven module project classpath