Contribute - NashXam/ GitHub Wiki

We encourage everyone to join in on code projects when they can. Sharing your progress with the group is a great way to learn and to help others learn.

  1. Get The Code
  2. Share Your Progress

##Get The Code

If you're a Git or GitHub veteran, joining in on one of the NashXam code projects is easy, but if you're new to Git and GitHub, here are some instructions to get you pointed in the right direction. Feel free to ask anyone in the group for help if you find yourself stuck or unclear how to move forward.

###1. Fork the repository into your GitHub account

  • Navigate to the project's GitHub repository page
  • From the project repository page, click the Fork button in the upper right hand of the screen
  • Select your account
  • GitHub will Fork/Copy the repository to your account
    • This will display an animation that looks like a photocopy is being made :)

###2. Clone your fork of the repository to your computer Paths will diverge here depending on the level of complexity that you're comfortable with. The easiest path is to download and use the GitHub Desktop Client. However, if you're comfortable using a console, working from a command line or controlling The Matrix, follow the Command Line instructions.

####GitHub Desktop Client - (easy)

  • Download and install the GitHub Client
  • Open the GitHub Client
  • Login with your GitHub account
  • Go to your dashboard
  • Click the + button in the upper left-hand of the app to add a repository
  • Click the Clone tab
    • This option lets you clone an existing repository rather than having to create a new one
  • You should see a list of accounts on the left with a list of repositories to the right
  • Select your account
  • Select the repository of the project you wish to Clone
  • Click the Clone button near the bottom of the screen
  • You will be asked where you would like to clone the repository to
  • Click Ok

####Command Line - (difficult)

  • ...
  • Install Git if it's not installed
  • ...
  • After forking the project in the previous step, you will arrive on the project repository page in your account.
  • Copy the clone URL from the bottom right of the screen
  • Open a command prompt. Navigate to the directory that you would like to clone your repository into
  • Enter git clone {repository-clone-URL}

Your project's repository should now be cloned onto your computer.

###3. Add a Personal Folder

  • Using Finder (Mac) or File Explorer (Win), open the directory of your newly-cloned project
  • In the root directory of the cloned repository, add a folder with your GitHub username

###4. Work From Your Personal Folder As you work through the project, place all of your code into your username folder.

##Share Your Progress

When you're ready to push your changes back to NashXam:

####GitHub Desktop Client (easy)

  1. Click the Sync button in the upper right-hand of the app.
  2. Using a browser, navigate to and open your account's repository list
  3. Open your Fork of the repository project
  4. Click the Pull Requests tab along the right-side of the page
  5. Then click the green New pull request button
  6. Confirm your changes
    • Ensure that the base fork: is NashXam/{project-repository-name} and that the head fork: is {Your Account}/{project-repository-name}
  7. Then click the Submit pull request button

####Command Line (difficult)

  1. Commit and push your changes to your fork of the project repository.
  2. Using a browser, navigate to and open your account's repository list
  3. Open your Fork of the repository project
  4. Click the Pull Requests tab along the right-side of the page
  5. Then click the green New pull request button
  6. Confirm your changes
    • Ensure that the base fork: is NashXam/{project-repository-name} and that the head fork: is {Your Account}/{project-repository-name}
  7. Then click the Submit pull request button

A NashXam administrator will merge your code into the NashXam project repository.