Options - Narven/sublime-artisan GitHub Wiki
Options Available:
- Help (php artisan help:commands)
- Generate an application key (php artisan key:generate)
- Create a session table (php artisan session:table)
- Create the Laravel migration table (php artisan migrate:install)
- Creating a migration (php artisan migrate:make create_users_table)
- Creating a migration for a bundle (php artisan migrate:make bundle::tablename)
- Running outstanding migrations (php artisan migrate)
- Running outstanding migrations in the application (php artisan migrate application)
- Running all outstanding migrations in a bundle (php artisan migrate bundle)
- Rolling back the last migration operation (php artisan migrate:rollback)
- Roll back all migrations that have ever run (php artisan migrate:reset)
- Install a bundle (php artisan bundle:install eloquent)
- Upgrade a bundle (php artisan bundle:upgrade eloquent)
- Upgrade all bundles (php artisan bundle:upgrade)
- Publish a bundle assets (php artisan bundle:publish bundle_name)
- Publish all bundles assets (php artisan bundle:publish)
- Calling a task (php artisan notify), or passing arguments (php artisan notify taylor)
- Running the application tests (php artisan test)
- Running the bundle tests (php artisan test bundle-name)
- Calling a route (php artisan route:call get api/user/1)
- INSTALLATION Just create a the directory SublimeArtisan in your Sublime Text Packages directory, and you're ready to go.