Commands - Narekushia/BishopPGM GitHub Wiki
Command | Usage | Example |
\autoteam <teamname> <OCNteamname> |
Move online members of <OCNteamname> to the <teamname>
/autoteam blue istenxudo : Move online members of Isten Xudo to the Blue Team |
Note : <OCNteamname>
is the team name from Overcast Network without spaces, dotes or special characters. Only alphanumeric characters
Command | Usage | Example |
\wlteam add <OCNteamname> |
Add members of <OCNteamname> to the whitelist |
/wlteam add istenxudo : Add members of Isten Xudo to the whitelist |
\wlteam remove <OCNteamname> |
Remove members of <OCNteamname> from the whitelist |
/wlteam add istenxudo : Remove members of Isten Xudo from the whitelist |
Note : <OCNteamname>
is the team name from Overcast Network without spaces, dotes or special characters. Only alphanumeric characters