Globals - NarcoMarshDev/Enforce-Script-Extensions GitHub Wiki


All the global values, functions, etc. of ESE. See list below.



Initialized as: bool ESE_IS_INITIALIZED = ESE.Init(); In file: !ESE_CORE.c

Will be true if ESE.Init() has been run already, used both as a check in that method for duplicate init calls, and as a return value to be able to run the method globally immediately at run time.

Data Structures

enum ESE_ResourceType

Initialized as: enum ESE_ResourceType{...init values...} In file: ESE_Aliases.c

Holds all the resource types for alias registration.

Init Values

Resource Type Integer Value
Handgun 0
SubmachineGun 1
Shotgun 2
AssaultRifle 3
Carbine 4
MarksmanRifle 5
SniperRifle 6
SquadAutomaticWeapon 7
MachineGun 8
GrenadeLauncher 9
RocketLauncher 10
AntiAirLauncher 11
AntiTankLauncher 12
LethalGrenade 13
SmokeGrenade 14
UtilityGrenade 15
OtherWeapon 16
Optic 17
UnderbarrelWeapon 18
Bayonet 19
Handguard 20
Grip 21
RailAttachment 22
Muzzle 23
OtherAttachment 24
Magazine 25
LMGBelt 26
UGLGrenade 27
RocketAmmo 28
MissileAmmo 29
HeavyWeaponAmmo 30
CivillianCar 31
CivillianTruck 32
MilitaryCar 33
MilitaryCarArmed 34
MilitaryTruck 35
UtilityTruck 36
ArmouredCar 37
ArmouredCarArmed 38
APC 39
LightTank 40
HeavyTank 41
TankDestroyer 42
OtherVehicle 43
CivillianHeli 44
LightTransportHeli 45
LightAttackHeli 46
TransportHeli 47
AttackHeli 48
OtherHeli 49
CivillianPlane 50
TransportPlane 51
AttackPlane 52
FighterPlane 53
VTOLPlane 54
OtherPlane 55
CivillianUAV 56
ReconUAV 57
ArmedUAV 58
ReconUGV 59
ArmedUGV 60
OtherDrone 61
CivillianBoat 62
LightBoat 63
AttackBoat 64
LandingCraft 65
OtherBoat 66
CivillianShip 67
Cruiser 68
Destroyer 69
AircraftCarrier 70
UtilityShip 71
OtherShip 72
EntityMaterial 73
Generic 74
None 75