Initial Project Design Thoughts have since changed with new knowledge and skills. - NaoiseGaffney/BookRepository GitHub Wiki
Book Repository
Milestone Project 3: Data-Centric Development with Python, Flask, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and MongoDB. Using several Python frameworks and the Google Books API. The Book Repository is a virtual library for the personal storage and sharing of books, sharing of thoughts about books read, via comments and votes, and all through a secure website.
- Authentication (Py) - optional feature
- Registration (Py) and (Js) {EmailJS} - optional feature
- Password Reset/Communication: (Js) {EmailJS}
- Delete User :-( --> Should all comments, votes and books be deleted too? No, though tag user as deleted in comments. Books?
- CRUD (Py) {[(MongoDB)]}
- Create using Google Book API (better choice) and use ISBN Search as a backup (?) and
from difflib import get_close_matches
- Search for book, return list of books in DB, as well as Google Books API. Select relevant book. Use
on existing books (Tery => Terry).
- Create using Google Book API (better choice) and use ISBN Search as a backup (?) and
- Upload Image?
- Profile?
- Book, if not exist in ISBN Search?
- Dashboard/Stats (Py) {[(MongoDB)]} - optional feature
- Votes/Comments (Py) {[(MongoDB)]} - optional feature
- Notification badge on comments?
- Affiliate Link to Amazon (Py) - optional feature
- Webscraping
import requests
andfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- Webscraping
- Stats: # of Users, # of Books/User(s), # of. Users/Book, # of Comments/User, # of Comments/Book, # of Comments/Site, # of Up or Down or "Meh" Votes/Book, Averages & Means & Min & Max
- Heroku Deployment using gunicorn instead of WSGI
- Documentation:, User Experience and, (Selenium IDE + ?), Code, User Journey Map
- Git Versioning: Dev/Test/Prod/Doc
- Layout, Structure, and Design: </> HTML 5, .css{} CSS 3, (Js), (Py)
Colour Scheme
[Colour Scheme on Coolors] (
- Aquamarine #64FFDA => Materialize: teal accent-2
- Persian Green #26A69A => Materialize: teal lighten-1
- French Rose #FF4081 => Materialize: pink accent-2
- Cultured #ECEFF1 => Materialize: blue-grey lighten-5
- Charcoal #37474F => Materialize: blue-grey darken-3
- Open Book: Registration or Login or Password Reset.
- Left Page:
- View list of own books (library).
- Search for books, own, site, and Google Books.
- Right Page:
- Book Details, front cover, title, authour, ISBN, description.
- Comments and voting, read/not read yet (interested)
- Statistics Page Left: personal statistics.
- Statistics Page Right: site statistics.
Use Cases
- Registration --> E-mail confirmation link --> Login --> CRUD --> Stats
- Login --> CRUD --> Stats
- Password Reset --> E-mail reset link --> Login --> CRUD --> Stats
- Delete User --> E-mail delete link for confirmation --> Delete :-(
- </> HTML, .css{} CSS, (Js), (Py), {[(MongoDB)]}
- {...} API's and Frameworks
- (Js):
- EmailJS -> Password Reset & Information
- GeoLocation -> Country (City)
- (Py):
- numpy
- pandas
- bokeh
- bs4
- Google Books
- OpenMap
- gunicorn
- Flask
- ISBN Search (Webscraping)
- .css{}
- Materialize 1.0 (to materialize or not to materialize, that is the question...)
- (Js):
Directory Structure (Virtual Environment)
- *.py
- assets/
- images/
- ...
- scripts/
- sendmail.js
- book.js
- ...js
- styles/
- style.css
- ...css
- images/
- documentation/
- ...
- templates/
- ...html
- DEV/ folder per code snippet (in .gitignore)
Database Structure
- Name
- Password (hashed)
- Country (GeoLocation) -> Country
- Comments {dict} -> Book Comments
- Votes {dict} -> Book Votes
- Title
- Authour
- Year
- Users -> Users
- Comments -> Users
- Votes -> Users
- Books
- Users
- Books
- Users
- Country -> Users
- User(s)
- Book(s)
- Site
- Users
- Books
- Countries
- Country
- Comments
- Votes
MongoDB Atlas: Project -> Database(s) -> Collection(s) -> Document(s) -> Field(s)
- Code Institute gitpod-full-template
- BookRepository
- VS Code: on DropBox
- .gitignore --> .env, .venv, /DEV
- Directory Structure: for DEV and Test (promoted to Production)
- Stage All Changes --> Commit All --> Push
- Google API Keys: during development, IP addresses, in production HTTP referrer
- Continuous Delivery: Development (DEV: local store only) --> Development (GitHub Pull) --> Staging (Test: GitHub --> Heroku) --> Production (Heroku)
- Heroku - create new app: Dashboard --> New --> Create new app --> App Name: virtual-book-repository, Region: Europe --> Create app --> Deployment method: GitHub --> BookRepository, Enable Automatic Deploys, Deploy Branch --> Settings: Reveal Config Vars => IP =, PORT = 5000, PRODUCTION = ON (disables debug, debug=False) --> Restart All Dynos (config vars to take effect) --> Deploy: Create new pipeline - vbookrepo-pipe, staging --> Create pipeline --> Connect GitHub Repository to Pipeline: BookRepository --> Create new review apps for new pull requests automatically (When enabled, every new pull request opened will create a Review app automatically and pull requests that are closed will be deleted.), Choose region: Europe --> Enable Review Apps --> Reveal Config Vars => IP =, PORT = 5000, PRODUCTION = ON (disables debug, debug=False), GOOGLE_API_KEY = ..., MONGO_URI = ..., MONGO_URI_BR = ...
- Create a new branch in VS Code: Shift-Command-P, Git: create branch. I can now switch between the two branches, 'master' (Staging) and 'review' (Development).
Code Institute gitpod-full-template: BookRepository => VS Code = development files, requirements.txt, .gitignore, Stage-Commit-Push => GitHub = BookRepository:master => Heroku = Create New App --> App Name: virtual-book-repository-stage, Choose a region: Europe, Create App --> Deploy - Deployment Method: GitHub (Connect to GitHub): NaoiseGaffney/BookRepository, Enable Automatic Deploys:master, Deploy Branch:master (no Vars set yet, will crash), Add this app to a pipeline: Create new pipeline, Choose a stage to add to this app:staging, Create pipeleine.
Adding GitHub Pull Requests and Issues
Odds and Ends
Meta-tags in HTML to improve Google Searches. Add Favicon. Passwords and keys as environment variables. Colour-blindness: Sim Daltonism (using Orange and Blue).
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
.gitignore (.env .venv)
pip install pip --upgrade
pip3 install requests
pip3 install python-dotenv
pip3 install dnspython
pip3 install pymongo
pip3 install gunicorn
pip3 install flask
cp /Users/gaff/Downloads/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/.
Run once and allow to run in Security Settings (System Preferences --> Security & Privacy --> Allow apps downloaded from:...)
pip3 install -U selenium
pip3 install bs4 <-- may not be required as I'm not doing any Webscraping
pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
echo web: gunicorn bookrepository:app > Procfile
Google API
No HTTP Referrer as the GOOGLE_API_KEY is stored in the .env file. I need to look at some form of authentication though.