Book Repository Colour Scheme - NaoiseGaffney/BookRepository GitHub Wiki

Book Repository Colour Scheme from

[](Book Repository Colour Scheme on Coolors)

Updated logo. Moved up book and repository (cloud), and used a Materialize Colour, Cobalt Blue. MCSS:#0d47a1 blue darken-4; RGB: 13, 71, 161; Coolors: Cobalt Blue.

Changed the website colour scheme to match the change too. Using Cobalt Blue (#0D47A1, blue darken-4) on Cultured (#ECEFF1, blue-grey lighten-5), and Persian Green (#26A69A, teal lighten-1) on Charcoal (#37474F, blue-grey darken-3), with the accent colour being French Rose (#FF4081, pink accent-2).