マイクラJava版をRpi 4Bで - Naohiro2g/Raspberry-Pi-Projects GitHub Wiki
- Download and run setup script
This will take a few minutes, including installing Oracle java.
mkdir ~/Minecraft && cd ~/Minecraft && wget https://github.com/mikehooper/Minecraft/raw/main/setupMC.sh && chmod +x setupMC.sh && ./setupMC.sh
- Run the launcher
cd ~/Minecraft
java -jar launcher.jar
Enter email address or username and password.
3 Edit launcher profile 起動プロファイルを編集する Click 'Edit Profile' [Edit Profile]をクリック。
Select 'Use Version', choose the version you require. [Use Version]を選択して、バージョンを選びます。
Tick 'JVM Arguments'
Add the following to the beginning of the arguments to specify lwjgl2 or lwjgl3 depending on version (if using a user other than 'pi' change accordingly):
earlier than 1.13 :
1.13 or later:
Tick 'Executable'
Replace the open jdk path with the oracle jdk path:
Tick 'JVM Arguments'
Add the following to the beginning of the arguments to specify lwjgl3 (if using a user other than 'pi' change accordingly):
1.13 or later :
-Dorg.lwjgl.librarypath=/home/pi/lwjgl3arm64 Click 'Save Profile'
4. Install Minecraft
Click 'Play' to install Minecraft.
5. Install Optifine (recommended)
If you wish to install Optifine, download the relevant version from https://optifine.net/downloads ,then install with:
cd ~/Downloads java -jar where is the downloaded Optifine file eg OptiFine_1.16.2_HD_U_G3.jar (note linux is case sensitive)
Click 'Install'
A new launcher profile called 'Optifine' will have been created, you will need to re-add the paths.
In the launcher click 'Play' to start Minecraft.
Hopefully Minecraft should run :P
If you get 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.lwjgl.DefaultSysImplementation.getPointerSize()' check you have specified the correct lwjgl2arm32 or lwjgl3arm32 library path for your MC version in JVM arguments.
ラズパイ3での挙動 OpenGLドライバーのあたりの事情が変わっている模様。
OpenGLドライバーの設定をFakeにすると、RealVNCが"Cannot currently show the desktop"となって接続できなくなる。以前は、Fullだとそうなったのだが。