Specific Functions to Write for GeomxTools - Nanostring-Biostats/GeomxTools GitHub Wiki
- NanoStringGeomxSet-subset.R write methods for subsetting NanoStringGeomxSet that are not in NCTools
negative probes, etc. See RCCset subset function
- NanoStringGeomxSet-munge.R see if the existing method for RCCset is applicable for geomxset or need to write new
- NanoStringGeomSet-summary.R
- NanoStringGeomxSet-utils.R - write helper functions here as needed (example: background subtraction)
- Check/test ggplot.NanoStringRccSet from NC tools if it works with GeomxSet
- Check/test NanoStringGeomxSet-accessors.R if it has all the accessors for new data types needed for the GeomxSet (add to vignette)
- additional method in NanoStringGeomxSet-class.R for matrix inputs from DSP-DA
- writeNanoStringGeomxSet.R - we have this in nctools, need to write geomxtools specific
Other Data types:
NGS - (protein will be added later)
nCounter - will be analyzed using NCTools. For plots not in NCtools but is useful for nCounter, we should make sure it can be called from NCTools
plexset - should be same as NGS. Add an extra column for plexset. (to be added later) Note: Ask Melod or DSP team on how to check if data from Geomx is plexset
autoplot.R - wrapper function to call the plotting functions to be included in geomx. All plots should be in one .R file to keep modularization
- NanoStringGeomxSet-autoplot.R wrapper function for the plots that are accessible in geomxtools
QC plots
To be determined which plots we want to include in the package. Essential QC plots: AOI QC plots:
- make sure we reflect the flags for failing samples
Normalization plot Compare normalization plots heatmap PCA plots
- NanoStringGeomxSet-qc.R wrapper function for QC - to setQCFlags for GeomxSet for QCtype c(probe, AOI, target) assaytype c(RNA, protein, others)
Note: one QC R file for each
GeomxSet-AOIQC Function
- Set AOI_flags (protocolData) for for failed samples
- input: Quantile to be used in QC
- output: object with QC flags set for those that failed AOI QC
GeomxSet-probeQC Function
- Set probeQC_flags (featureData) for for failed samples
- input:
- output: object with QC flags set for those that failed Probe QC
GeomxSet-targetQC Function
- Set targetQC_flags (featureData) for for failed samples
- input: type: score test or LOQ, threshold (p-value, LOQ threshold)
- output: object with QC flags set for those that failed target QC
- NanoStringGeomxSet-normalize.R
modularize based on object and data type.
Calls specific .R file for each data_type = c(RNA, protein)
and norm method = NGS normalization Q3 normalization Background norm Lei's method Area or nuclei scaling norm
For protein: norm_method = Housekeeper norm IgG norm area norm
You don't need set generic, this is already in NCTools
setMethod("normalize", "NanoStringGeomxSet",
function(object, norm_method="Q3", data_type="RNA", ...) {
normed_data <- switch(norm_method,
"Q3" <- Q3_norm(object, data_type=data_type),
"neg" <- neg_norm(object, data_type=data_type),
"hk" <- hk_norm(object, data_type=data_type))
run_Q3 <- function(object, data_type) { #run Q3 steps }