Proposed Structure of Geomxtools - Nanostring-Biostats/GeomxTools GitHub Wiki
NanoStringGeomxset object related functions
- class
- option to be decided: add coercion from DSP-DA matrices to DCCset
- read DCC
- read PKC
- accessors
- subset
- validity
Data Exploratory visualization functions
autoplot.NanoStringGeomxSet <- #wrapper function for plots for GeomxTools
- spaceplot - call to spaceplot.R
- SNRheatmap - call to heatmapSNR for every gene per AOI heatmap with proportion of detected genes per AOI
QC Plots
- AOI QC Scatter plot - see AOI QC section
QC Related Functions
Inputs can be: NanoStringGeomxSet
Matrices - option to be decided: allow input for matrices from DSP-DA download (i.e. SegmentProperties, TargetProperties, TargetCountMatrix)
Wrapper Function to dispatch to corresponding QC method based on DCC type
- switch datatype:
- nCounter
- protein
- plexset
- NegProbe counts vs Q9 counts and NegProbe counts vs Q9 to NegProbe Ratio scatter plots
- input: quantile to use (defaults to Q9)
- NegProbe Counts vs Number of Segments
- Backgound QC for CTA spike-ins
- remove AOI function
- NegProbe counts vs Q9 counts and NegProbe counts vs Q9 to NegProbe Ratio scatter plots
- Gene QC
- Signal to background ratio QC
Protein QC
AOI QC - identify AOIs with poor data that should be removed (IgG geomean and HK geomean)
- remove AOI function
Probe QC - identify poor performing probes by computing signal (AOI data) to background (IgG geomean) ratio per target
- remove Probe
QC Plots: to be decided: do we put these in one function or together with the QC
- AOI QC Plots
- bar plots for AOI vs log2 (IgG or HK) geomean colored by scan ID and AOI Type
- scatter plots HK geomean vs IgG geomean colored by scan ID and AOI type
- Probe QC Plots
- barplots of target vs Log2 Signal to background ratio with horizontal line on zero and vertical line
- AOI QC Plots
nCounter QC
plexset QC
Normalization related functions
Inputs can be: DCCsets
Matrices option to be decided: allow input for matrices from DSP-DA download (i.e. SegmentProperties, TargetProperties, TargetCountMatrix)
Wrapper Function to dispatch to corresponding normalization method based on DCC type
- switch datatype:
- nCounter
- protein
- plexset
NGS normalization
- Q3 normalization
- Q3 norm with background subtraction
- Background norm
- Background norm with background subtraction
- area or nuclei scaling norm
- Compare normalization
- heatmap
- PCA plots
protein normalization
- Housekeeper norm
- IgG norm
- area norm
- nuclei norm
nCounter normalization
plexset normalization
- we can put all the plots here or assign them in each QC norm step