Museum revisions full deck - Nanocontroller/misc-content GitHub Wiki

start "" "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs64.exe" --startrecording timeout /t 1380 /nobreak taskkill /IM "obs64.exe" /F


  1. Header needs some spacing
  2. Earth Now stage two, the third item on the world view stays a millisecond too long
  3. Atmospheric rivers visualization # Atmospheric rivers [REVIEW, looks jittery] (H264 30fps)
  4. Video biodiversity: Captions for the chimpanzee video are too high in just a few of the scenes the nap visualization is to jittery toward the end
  5. Ocean flows the label shows up before the vis [X] 6. GHG stage 3 left bottom corner item stage 4 right bottom element is not showing up
  6. DYAMOND can end up two seconds earlier 8 CSSS web element covers the title 9 Fires dashboard stage 1 the video on the top right blinks too much

Atmospheric rivers [REVIEW, looks jittery]

ISS lightning detection [REVIEW encoding 80 and H2.65]