Software - Nakazoto/CenturionComputer GitHub Wiki



The WIPL (Warrex Initial Program Loader) is the first bit of code on each and every platter that works as an initial program loader. From the WIPL you can load the Operating System directly, or a number of utility programs. LOAD is a second stage loader and OS bootstrap piece of software that is executed from the WIPL and starts loading of the Operating System.


TOS - Test Operating System

TOS, or Test Operating System, is simple memory monitor that allows you to view and edit locations in memory. There are two versions of TOS: Diag TOS and TOS6. Diag TOS is located on the DIAG Card ROMs and is a very simplistic memory monitor, primarily used for troubleshooting non-booting systems. TOS6 is a much more in-depth memory monitor with a lot more functionality included in the ? library on the OS hard disk platter.

TOS - Test Operating System

Operating System

Unfortunately, it has been requested of me by the current IP holder to not freely distribute the OS images that we have backed up. It has been saved in multiple locations throughout the World so we will not be losing the OS anytime soon, however I can't publicly post it up here. However, if you are actively developing new software or hardware for the Centurion and need the OS to continue, please contact me through Discord. What we have discovered about the OS and what we can post freely is available at the link below.

Developing new applications for the Operating System is done through the use of two unique programming languages: Centurion Programming Language (CPL) and Job Control Language (JCL).

Operating System

New Software

The Centurion project is very much so a long term project, and one of our goals is to develop new software for it, allowing use of the machine in ways the original engineers never imagined. So far, we have developed a lot of small utilities, but there have been two huge programs developed for the machine that are particularly stunning.

CED is a custom text editor to replace the quite frustrating to use KOMPOZ. Ren14500 has done an amazing job building this program using JCL and CPL.

CCDP is a custom diagnostic package developed for the Centurion by Tergav. It has proved to be insanely useful, allowing us to copy the contents of several Hawk platters and back them up on a modern machine.

New Software


S.TXT and S.KOMPOZ are two very similar text editing programs included with the original Centurion Operating System. However, they were original developed under the auspice of being line editors for tape storage systems. As such, usage is a little confusing at first. Essentially, there are two tapes, Tape A and Tape B, and a combination of Tape A and insert edits is output to Tape B, and then B is copied over to A at the end. All edits must be done sequentially to the end and then the tapes rewound. This can baffling at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's only slightly infuriating.


ROM Backups

While not specifically software, there are many ROMs with a load of microcode throughout the entire system. These are precious because if they get lost, the system essentially becomes unusable.

ROM Backups