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Additional Microcode information at this link.

The microcode is a 56 bit mainly horizontal microcode controlled by AM2909 and AM2911 sequencers. Vertical aspects of the microcode are:

  • Constants and conditional selection/update masks are stored in the same field as the direct inputs to the sequencers;
  • The B Register Select field is used as inputs to an addressable latch, and possibly another input;
  • Control signals are encoded.

Microcode word format

Bit 55 is MSB.

Bit Board Rom PL Pins Function Comments
3-0 E3 D2/D3 Decoder Input Decoded before loaded into pipeline register.
6-4 E3 E6 Decoder Input
7 E3 K11 Decoder Input bit 0
9-8 J3 K11 Decoder Input bit 1-2
12-10 J3 H11 Decoder Input
14-13 J3 E7 Decoder Input Pin 3 on decoder grounded
15 J3 J5 pin 2 K9 multiplexer enable Used for conditional calculation
23-16 M3 Low 8 bits of sequencer direct input, constant input to data bus (inverted) D2/D3 address 13 enables constant. Also used for conditional select
26-24 L3 High 3 bits of sequencer direct input
27 L3 Sequencer stack enable (!FE)
28 L3 Sequencer push or pop (PUP)
30-29 L3 Sequencer 0-3 mux select (inverted)
31 L3 Sequencer 4-7 mux select S0 (inverted) Confirm K6 pin 3 to L9 pin 10
32 H3 H5 pin 19 Sequencer 4-7 mux select S1/1 Confirm J6 pin 5 from H5 pin 19. Combines with bit 54
33 H3 H5 pin 16 Case control Confirm J13/K13 enable pins from H5 pin 16
36-34 H3 AM2901 I210 inputs
39-37 H3 AM2901 I543 inputs Confirm AM2901 pins 26, 28, 27 respectively from H5 pins 15, 5 and 2
42-40 F3 AM2901 I876 inputs
46-43 F3 AM2901 B Register Select Confirm from F5 pins 9, 12, 15 and 5 to AM2901 pins 17-20. Note also used as input to F11 'LS259 addressable latch for CPU control. Possibly also for M13 'LS259
47 F3 AM2901 A Register Select bit 0 A Register Select.
50-48 K3 AM2901 A Register Select bit 3-1 Confirm K5 pins 19 and 6 to AM2901 pins 3 and 1
51 K3 Shift/Carry input to AM2901 mux S0
52 K3 Shift/Carry input to AM2901 mux S1 Confirm K5 pin 12 to F6 pin 2
53 K3 K5 pin 15 Hi/Low Register. Controls whether high or low byte is read/written during register access
54 K3 Sequencer 4-7 mux select S1/2 Combines with bit 32
55 K3 K5 pin 2 Register at IPL Determines whether Register index or IPL is used for register access

Decoder enable lines

E7 74LS138

Address Function Notes
1 Bus operation abort nor gate at E8 controlling E14 74LS74 pin 1
2 Load FLR enable on J9 74LS378
3 Bus wait nor gate at E8
4 unused pin 3 on E7 is grounded
5 unused pin 3 on E7 is grounded
6 unused pin 3 on E7 is grounded
7 unused pin 3 on E7 is grounded

H11 74LS138

Address Function Notes
1 Bus Read
2 Bus Write
3 Load Work AR High Enables load on the high word of the work AR 'LS669s
4 Increment/decrement Work AR
5 Increment/decrement MAR
6 PROM enable/ALU disable
7 Load Nibble Swapper C11 and C12

K11 74LS138

Address Function Notes
2 M13 'LS259 enable enables latching to start/stop CPU operations
3 F11 'LS259 enable enables latching to start/stop CPU operations
4 Register write Same decoding in basic gates with alternate clocking
5 Load Page File Loads the Result Register into the page file
6 Load Work AR Low Enables load on the low word of the work AR 'LS669s (consistent with microcode)
7 Load Data Register Tx register on AM2907s

E6 74LS138

Address Function Notes
1 Load RR Load data register used for updating lots of things ('LS377 at C9)
2 Load RIR Load register index ('LS377 at C13)
3 Load CLR Interrupt Level
4 Load MAP Load PT MAP register. Used with address lines for PT entry address
5 Load MAR Load Memory Address Register (outer 'LS669s) from work address register (inner 'LS669s)
6 Load Seq AR Load the sequencer AR. Likely only on the AM2909s
7 Load CCR Load CC based on CONST field in microcode

D2 74S139 (half) and D3 74S138

Note that these addresses get decoded before storage in the pipeline register.

Address Function Notes
0 Read Swapped Enable on C11/12 'LS173 tristate ffs
1 Read Register Read the contents of the ISA register from D14 'LS374
2 Read Address High Read high byte of bus address before page lookup (real PC). Note bits 12-15 inverted
3 Read Address Low Read low byte of bus address
4 Unused
5 Unused
6 Unused
7 Unused
8 Read Page Read the page address (top 7 bits of paged address + MMIO select)
9 Read CCR Read sense switches (1-4) low nibble and condition codes high nibble
10 Read Data Bus AM2907s
11 Read Current Level Enable on 'LS368 tristate inverter H14 and T18-21 from backplane bus
12 Read Req Level Read other dip switches switches low nibble and interrupt request level from backplane high nibble
13 Constant Constant from microcode word (inverted)
14 Unused
15 Unused

F11 lines

Address B select Function
0 0, 1 Interrupt enable (on = enabled). Controlled by EI/DI instructions
1 2, 3 Address Bus enable (off = enabled)
2 4, 5 DMA address increment control?
3 6, 7 Increment/Decrement control of address register Off is decrement
4 8, 9 DMA control?
5 10, 11 Controlled by 96/a6 instructions. Parity Odd/Even?
6 12, 13 Controlled by 76/86 instructions. Parity check enabled (on = enabled)
7 14, 15 DMA enable (on). Controlled by 2f x6/x7 instruction. x6 enables

M13 lines

Address B select Function
0 0, 1 DMA function, controlled by 2f x4/x5 instruction
1 2, 3 DMA function, controlled by 2f x4/x5 instruction
2 4, 5 Timer (RTC) enable
3 6, 7
4 8, 9 Run/Halt front panel light
5 10, 11 Timer reset (off = reset)
6 12, 13 ABT front panel light
7 14, 15 Interrupt acknowledge

Shift/Carry Multiplexers

Shift/Carry Carry Left Shift Right Shift
0 0 0 ALU sign (F3 on high nibble)
1 1 Flags Carry Flags Carry
2 Flags Carry ALU Sign ALU Q0
3 0 1 ALU Carry

Condition Codes

Conditional branches, subroutine calls and condition code register setting is controlled by the microcode address/constant field.


The condition code register Link/Carry bit is set from bits 8 to 6 in the microcode address field. Bit 5 disables the multiplexer and will force the link bit to be set to zero in the condition code register. This is an 8 to 1 multiplexer at J10 on the CPU6 board.

Bits 8-6 (mux selector) Set Link (Carry) flag from Example usage
0 Link flag in condition code register SF
1 Invert link flag in condition code register CL
2 Link flag from last ALU flags store INRB
3 Set SL
4 From result register bit 4 RI
5 RAM3 output on ALU
6 RAM0 output on ALU
7 Q0 output on ALU


The fault/overflow bit in the condition code register is set based on bits 4 and 3 in the microcode address field, and the fault field from the last ALU flags storage. Bit 2 disables the multiplexer and will force the fault bit to be set to zero in the condition code register. This is an 8 to 1 multiplexer at J11 on the CPU6 board.

Bits 4-3 (mux selector) ALU Flags Fault Field (mux selector) Set Fault (overflow) flag from Example usage
0 X From result register (bit 5) RI
1 X Set SF
2 X Fault flag in condition code register SC
3 0 0
3 1 1

Minus/Sign and Value/Zero

These flags are set from the same multiplexer, which is always enabled. The values are set based on bits 1 and 0 in the microcode address field. This is a dual 4 to 1 multiplexer at J12 on the CPU6 board.

Bits 1-0 (mux selector) Set Value (Zero) flag from Set Minus (Sign) flag from Example usage
0 Value flag in condition code register Minus flag in condition code register SF instruction
1 Flag Register zero Flag register minus INRB instruction
2 Result Register (bit 7) Result Register (bit 6) RI instruction
3 AND(Flag Register zero, Flag Register prev. zero) Flag register minus STX instruction

Note: prev. zero is the previous value of the flag register zero. The zero flag output feeds back into the prev. zero on each flags register load.

Microcode conditional branches

The conditional branches in the microcode are controlled by two multiplexers which set the OR lines in the low nibble AM2909. The multiplexer selects are the from bits 8-5 of the microcode address field, and the enable is bit 33 of the microcode word. Usually only one OR line is significant on any conditional branch, other lines if active are masked out with the microcode address low nibble (e.g., if it is a conditional branch zero, there will be a mask of xx01 in the low nibble of the microcode address field). OR 0 and OR 1 are set by a dual 4 to 1 multiplexer at J13 on the CPU6 board. OR 2 and 3 are set by a dual 4 to 1 multiplexer at K13 on the CPU6 board.

Most of the conditional branches are one way (only one bit of the multiplexer output is relevant), but there are approximately five microcode locations where there is a multiway branch.

Bits 8-5 (mux selectors) OR 0 OR 1 OR 2 OR 3
3 0 0 Interrupts enabled Link Condition Code
7 0 0 Halt? Interrupt Request
b 0 0 DMA? DMA?
c Minus from flags Zero from flags 0 0
d Half carry from flags Overflow from flags 0 0
e Page table entry bit 8 zero Valid Page 0 0

Microcode conditional subroutine calls

Microcode conditional subroutine calls are controlled by a multiplexer which is selected from bits 2 to 0 of the microcode address field. This is also used to form part of the subroutine address. The conditional subroutine call is enabled by bit 15 of the microcode word. The conditions are selected by a multiplexer at K9 on the CPU6 board.

Bits 2-0 (mux selector) Branch on test Example usage
0 Bus busy
1 Bit 0 of RIR and Bit 4 of RIR both zero
2 Bit 0 of RIR BL instruction
3 Not memory read
4 Not memory write
6 Parity Error
7 Interrupt

Significant Addresses

This is an incomplete list of significant addresses in the CPU6 microcode

Address Label Function
000 Microcode start address
07e Page Table Entry initialisation in bootstrap
100 Instruction loop start. Some instructions restart the instruction loop at 101
101 Instruction loop start. Some instructions restart the instruction loop at 100. NOP entry
105 CPU trap handler microcode?
107 ?? BEP entry - is this still BEP?
119 SF entry
14f RF entry
156 BGZ entry
17b CL entry
17e PCX entry
185 SL entry
18b Privileged instruction entry
18e RIM entry (illegal instruction?)
193 RSR entry
1af RF entry
1b0 67 instruction entry
1ba ?? BTM entry - is this still BTM?
1ca ?? ELO entry - is this still ELO?
1ce BS4 entry
1de BS3 entry
1ee BS2 entry
1f9 BLE entry
1fa BM/BP entry
1fb BZ/BNZ entry
1fc BF/BNF entry
1fd BL/BNL entry
1fe BS1 entry
48e Save PC to register indexed by r09 in current IPL
76c Test Q for zero, jump to caller/9 non-zero, caller/b zero. Caller pops stack