Internal Registers - Nakazoto/CenturionComputer GitHub Wiki

CPU6 Internal Registers

The CPU6 contains a number of internal registers that are under microprogram control. Most of these registers are not user accessible.

Register name Board designator(s) Device(s) Function Input Output Load enable
pipeline UM5, UL5, UK5, UJ5, UH5, UF5, UE5 '377, '174 Microword pipeline register(s) Microprogram ROM N/A
FLR UJ9 '378 Flag register ALU0, ALU1 E7.2 (LOAD.FLR)
MAR_LSB UB1, UC1 '669 Bus address low byte addr_work_lo Address bus TBD
MAR_MSB UB6, UC6 '669 Bus address high byte addr_work_hi Address bus TBD
WAR_LSB UB2, UC2 '669 Work address low byte Addr bus/F/DP? addr_lo K11.6
WAR_MSB UB6, UC6 '669 Work address high byte Addr bus/F/DP? addr_hi H11.3
RIR UC13 '377 User register address BUS.F Reg. RAM addr E6.2 (LOAD.RIR)
RR UC9 '377 User register value BUS.F Reg. RAM value E6.1 (LOAD.RR)
CCR M12 '378 Condition codes E6.7 (LOAD.CCR)
CPU State Internal to ALU Internal store of PTBR and CPU state bits