ADDS Regent 100 Terminal - Nakazoto/CenturionComputer GitHub Wiki
ADDS Regent 100 Terminal
The ADDS Regent 100 Terminal was the standard terminal used by Centurion for many years. It uses a relatively common 80 columns x 24 lines design with a highly crisp and clear display. Communication is through a standard DB-25 connector that supports either RS-232 or 20/60mA current loop (selectable via a dip switch on the back).
Special Characters
One problem that we ran into very early on is that this terminal does not have any Function keys, and the version of the OS that we have is a very late version, that was written with a later ADDS Regent 25 in mind, which does have Function keys. In particular, when saving settings in the operating system using the SYSGEN utility, the input information is saved by pressing the F4 key (this procedure is outlined in the excellent CPU6 Programmers Manual). To get the function key output, the operator presses "CTRL+B" then presses the number "4" and finally "Newline." It's a bit of a roundabout method, but works exactly as intended.
Other capabilities
The ADDS 100 is a pre-ANSI terminal, released in 1977. It is cursor-addressable and can display a subset of the VT100's highlight modes and special characters, though it is not clear the Centurion software ever used these capabilities. Its special control sequences can be investigated by typing "infocmp adds200" at the shell prompt of any Unix system; ignore the function-key definitions, as those are physically absent on the 100.
Main Board
The next time the terminal is opened up, I will grab high resolution pictures of the main board.
The Regent 100 terminal showcased here and the later Regent 25 use an incredibly similar, if not identical font. Discord member Draco did some excellent work and managed to convert the font saved in the character ROM to a proper True Type Font usable one Windows. It works wonderfully well and is available for download at the link below.
Click here to download the terminal font.
This is an original advertisement for the ADDS Regent 100.
This is the manual for the ADDS Regent 200, which is largely the same as the Regent 100, only it features a few additional features, like an auxiliary port on the back.