7. Running Android as IP Camera With OpenCV - NaimFuad/RaspberryPiWithOpenCV GitHub Wiki

Android as IP Camera

1.On your Android phone, download, install, and launch the application called IP Webcam by Pavel Khlebovich.

IP Camera

Make sure all device is connected to the same network

  1. Note down the IP address of your camera server i.e. http://192.168.XX.XX:8080
  2. Scroll down the menu and choose Start Server.
  3. On Raspberry Pi, create a new Python script by copy paste the given code. On the 4th line edit the camera server address as follows:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time

cap.set(3,320) #set heigt   >>refer propId
cap.set(4,240)  #set width

while True:
  ret,frame = cap.read()

  if cv2.waitKey(1)&0xFF == ord('q'):


Streaming IP Camera with Opencv