SugoCleaner - Nagarian/optc-box-manager GitHub Wiki
Sugo Cleaner
After going into the tavern and make some Sugo-Fest pull you will have a dirty box. Between duplicates, new units and trash units, you generally ended-up with a lot of units to check one by one. In fact, OPTC have based one of its gameplay mechanics above this duplicate management. With them you can:
- level-up his special
- level-up his Level Limit Break
- unlock/level-up his support ability
- level-up one Potential Ability
- unlock/level-up randomly one power socket
That's a lot of condition and variables to remember and each of them has some particularity skill-up events, LB materials, ... So, to simplify and optimize this cleaning process, we have developed one tool: Sugo Cleaner
With it, we have reverted the process by starting from the unit pulled and suggest how to deal with it while the game force you to find the receiving unit to use on it. Cleaning is thus more efficient, and to go beyond you will be able to classify these units into diverse listing.
Videos are more telling than a long speech, so we invite you to watch this one which demonstrates how it works:
How it works
On the game, go on the tavern and pull at Sugo-Fest
On OPTC-BM, open Sugo-Cleaner by clicking on
Click on the
and on the opened popup, search and list all the units you pulled or use the Image Analyzer component which will handle it automatically for you! Select
to import them
Once done, all the units are added to the
To clean
list, waiting you and your decisions -
Click on a unit to see what to do with it
On this screen, you can choose one avalaible option from those :
[an unit box]
: If you already own this unit or one of his evolution, you can choose between one of them to spend your current copy, click on his icon to open the next screenKeep it
: the unit will be added to your box and remove from Sugo CleanerTo Sell
orWaiting for XXX
with those options, the unit will be moved to the corresponding list. As their names implied, those lists exist to help you sort units with what you want to do with them.Dismiss
in case you have already treated an unit, use this option to remove it from Sugo Cleaner
If you have chosen to spend your copy on a unit you have (see the previous point), the detail screen open and you can make the corresponding modifications that's occurred when you spend it on the game. NB: Level LB, Special Level and support Level are automatically increased like in the game, so you should only have Potential and Power socket to handle yourself.
When you click on the confirm button, the copy will automatically be removed from the Sugo Cleaner screen.
Happy Cleaning and good luck with your pull !