Extras - Nagarian/optc-box-manager GitHub Wiki
Initially called Settings, this screen has recently been reworked to improve its usage. You can access it by clicking on
On it, you will some extras tools from:
Credits Page
Check it out yourself :wink:
Changelog Page
You can find the list of all the feature/bugs we implement/fixed on it. We retrieve it directly from https://github.com/Nagarian/optc-box-manager/releases
You are already on it!
Export For Page
On this screen, you will be able to export your current box to a format compatible with other website like Nakama Network and OPTC-DB
On this screen, you will find very specific options related to OPTC-BM. Here you will be able to perform tasks like Choose your theme, Clear the application cache or Backup your box, application settings,...
Like any other website theses days, We have implemented Dark/Light theme in order to protect your eyes from blue light. So feel free to choose which one you prefer.
Game version
This setting will help the image analyzer component to be more efficient in finding the right id of the characters.
With update 2.0, we have introduced a major bug with the caching of character images. This bug lead OPTC-BM to use much more disk than required, and blocked us to push the fix automatically. If you are affected, please follow the procedure described here
In case we screwed up again, we have added this specific button to perform this task more easily and directly from the application.
This setting will allow you to control the state of your application. You will be able to perform specific and feature-oriented backup. So you will be able to :
- create backup with
button (see the official video) - restore a previously created backup with
button (see the official video) - reset to default, with
button (see the official video)
And you will be able to perform backups for :
- Character box: this backup will contain your current box with all your characters, their levels, their limit breaks, ...
- Sugo Cleaner: this backup will contain all the characters you've saved in Sugp Cleaner tool (including your classification)
- Application Settings: This backup will contain all other settings which include: theme mode, Saved Searches and Gather Island
It's recommended to make backup frequently, since the application runs on your browser, we cannot guarantee that he will not screw everything up.