Wiki Report for ICP8 - NagaSurendraBethapudi/Python-ICP GitHub Wiki

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Question 1:

Use the use case in the class :
Add more Dense layers to the existing code and check how the accuracy changes


  1. Imported the libraries
  2. Imported the dataset
  3. Partitioned the data into train and test data
  4. Built the sequential model my_first_nn = Sequential
  5. Input and output layers are added
my_first_nn.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # output layer
  1. Done Compilation and printed accuracy
my_first_nn.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['acc'])
my_first_nn_fitted =, Y_train, epochs=100,initial_epoch=0)

#Printing the summary and accuarcy of the model
print(my_first_nn.evaluate(X_test, Y_test))

Output with one dense layer

  1. Added one dense layers
my_first_nn.add(Dense(40, activation='relu')) #adding more hidden layers
my_first_nn.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # output layer

Output with two dense layers

  1. Added one more dense layer
my_first_nn.add(Dense(40, activation='relu')) #adding more hidden layers
my_first_nn.add(Dense(60, activation='relu')) #adding more hidden layers
my_first_nn.add(Dense(100, activation='relu')) #adding more hidden layers
my_first_nn.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # output layer

Output with four dense layers

Output for all the layers

Question 2 :

Change the data source to Breast Cancer dataset * available in the source folder and make required changes.

Explanation :

  1. Imported the libraries
  2. Imported the dataset
  3. Changed categorical data to int
convert = {"diagnosis": {"M": 0, "B": 1}}
cancer_data = df.replace(convert)
  1. Partitioned the data into train and test data
  2. Built the sequential model my_first_nn = Sequential
  3. Input and output layers are added
my_first_nn.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # output layer
  1. Added layers and done compilation and printed accuracy
my_first_nn = Sequential() # create model
my_first_nn.add(Dense(20, input_dim=29, activation='relu')) # hidden layer
my_first_nn.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # output layer

#Performing compilation
my_first_nn.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['acc'])
my_first_nn_fitted =, Y_train, epochs=100,initial_epoch=0)

#Printing Summary and Accuracy
print(my_first_nn.evaluate(X_test, Y_test))

Accuracy with one dense layer :

Accuracy with two dense layers :

Question 3 :

Normalize the data before feeding the data to the model and check how the normalization change your accuracy (code given below).

  1. from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
  2. sc = StandardScaler()

Explanation :

  1. Imported the libraries
  2. Imported the dataset
  3. Changed categorical data to int
convert = {"diagnosis": {"M": 0, "B": 1}}
cancer_data = df.replace(convert)
  1. Partitioned the data into train and test data
  2. Normalaized the data
SC = StandardScaler() #Fitting the data
x_normalization = SC.transform(x)
  1. Built the sequential model my_first_nn = Sequential
  2. Input and output layers are added
my_first_nn.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # output layer
  1. Added layers and done compilation and printed accuracy
my_first_nn = Sequential() # create model
my_first_nn.add(Dense(20, input_dim=29, activation='relu')) # hidden layer
my_first_nn.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # output layer

#Performing compilation
my_first_nn.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['acc'])
my_first_nn_fitted =, Y_train, epochs=100,initial_epoch=0)

#Printing Summary and Accuracy
print(my_first_nn.evaluate(X_test, Y_test))

Accuracy before Normalization :

Accuracy after Normalization :

Conclusion :

Accuracy was increased and loss of data was decreased after Normalizing the data


Everything looks good