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Documentaion website sprent2 :- 1-mariem

  • View grades in questions of students in school i adminstrate School admin can view the grades of verified students in the questions they answered. In the controller, I get the verified students in the same school of the current school admin, then loop over them in the view and get the grades of questions that each of them has answered.

  • Viewing a list of verified subjects(if any) for each teacher School admin can view teachers, each with their verified subjects. In the controller of school admin, I get the verified teachers in the same school then loop over them in the view and get the verified subjects' requests for each.

  • View students answers in in-Game questions In the controller of school admins,get the verified students in the same school and then loop over them in the view to get the in game questions and their answers of each of them.

  • View list of verified students in school I am verified as teacher in (Sorted by grade, alphabetically or other options) In thr controller of teachers, get the verified students in the same school and loop over them in the view.

  • View game records of students in school i am verified to teach in In the controller of teachers, get the verified students in the same school and then loop over them in the view to get the records of each of them.

  • View grades in questions of students in school i am verified to teach in In the controller, I get the verified students in the same school of the current teacher, then loop over them in the view and get the grades of questions that each of them has answered.

  • View students answers in in-Game questions In the controller of teachers,get the verified students in the same school and then loop over them in the view to get the in game questions and their answers of each of them. 2-soha -teacher can request a subject by first he sould view all courses in in his school and beside each subject there is a button to request teaching this one once he clicks on it a request record is saved in the data base waiting for school admin to accept him

-teacher send a message to a student by viewing first all verified students he can clisk on a button to send message that redirect him to a page to write his message and then press send to tore his message in the data base

-student can send his teacher a message by first he should view all courses in school then view teachers teaching that subject then click on send message to redirect him to a page to write his message and send submit. -student can take a quiz consisting of number of questions he enters the be redirected to page to take a quiz and then submit
3-marwa teacher view msgs the teacher can view inbox messages from other teacher by going to view_contacts view then checking the messages. the teacher can view messages from students by going to the verified students view then checking the messages.

student view msgs the student can view inbox messages from other student by going to view_contacts view then checking the messages. the student can view messages from teachers by going to view_course_teachers then checking the messages. -Remove verified teachers Added a remove button that changes verified to Nil.

  • View verified teachers I have created a button in the school admin page (view verified teachers) that redirects to a view view_verified_teachers that views the teacher's name and school of the teachers who were verified by the school admin 4-anas As a school admin i can use the view_teacher_requests method to view the pending verification requests from teachers in my school. Using either accept_teacher_verification or reject_teacher_verification methods the school admin either verifies the teacher of rejects the request. Using the view_subject_requests method a chool admin can view all requests from teaches of his school to be verified to a specific subject, he can then accept or reject this request using the accept_subject_request and reject_subject_request methods. After accepting the teacher-subject verification, a system afmin can remove this verification using the method remove_teacher_subject 5-Aufa -add devise to teacher -When a logged in students presses 'start quiz', he is redirected to a page that contains a question, where he can choose a question the press next to be redirected to another question. If an unlogged in student, presses 'start quiz', he is redirected to the login page. While answering questions, if a student presses 'Done', he is redirected to the subject's page. If a student answers all question about a specific subject, he is redirected to the page and is told that he has finished all the questions about the subject.