Dependencies - NYULibraries/privileges GitHub Wiki
The application implements Solr with Sunspot for indexing and memcached with Dalli for robust caching.
Solr with Sunspot
Sunspot is included in the bundler and can be installed with a bundler install
. In the qa
, staging
and production
environments we use WebSolr to host our Solr instances in the cloud.
In the development
and test
environments you can use the Solr bundled with Sunspot by running:
~$ bundle exec sunspot-solr start -p 8984
Where -p 8984
indicates the local port on which you want to run it. You should change this port based on your local setup and to match any existing VCR cassettes on rerun.
You can then reindex from your database environment into this solr environment by running the following from your command line:
~$ RAILS_ENV={rails_env} bundle exec rake sunspot:reindex[500]
Where 500
is the batch size and rails_env
indicates which Solr index to push to (defaults to development
which should be the same as the sunspot-solr
instance you started above).
Memcached with Dalli
Memcached needs to be installed manually on the application server. See
If you wish to use Dalli/memcached instead of the built-in caching server instead of memcached ensure the following line in in place in the relevant environment file (e.g. development.rb
, production.rb
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, 'localhost:11211'
To ensure that memcached is running on your server run the command
~$ /etc/init.d/memcached status
And then start it up if it is not running
~$ /etc/init.d/memcached start
Its presence in init.d
should indicate that it is set to run on startup.